Saturday, 11 January 2025

A New Year begins

Happy New Year to all our blog readers and webcam watchers. We've had snow, ice and much wet weather in recent months but, as usual, the mighty peregrine falcon can take all this in its stride. Its mountain habitats are far wilder than anything they might experience in Derby, here in the centre of England. 

We've turned a corner, and soon the days will soon start to become noticeably longer, and our pair of pergrine falcons will become more active on the nest platform. Occasionally they visit the nest ledge on the side of Derby Cathedral to maintain their claim on their nest site and to get ready for the next breeding season.

Last night we took a screenshot of the nest from Cam 1 and took another this morning. There has clearly been activity and some nest-scraping between these shots. 

You may notice a small, spiked piece of plastic in the nighttime shot. This is a fragment of a bird spike that must have come loose and fallen from one of our cameras. They were placed there some years ago to discourage any bird from perching directly on top of the cameras. It's nothing to be worried about. They're very light and this fragment is easily moved. So, although we'll remove this when we do a pre-breeding maintenance abseil, it won't hinder the birds in any way. As we see in the daytime shot a few hours later, it will simply be pushed aside as if a twig had fallen into the scape and ignored. 

We have reset our visitor counter for 2025, noting a significant increase in unique visits to our blog and webcams last year. We ended December with 321,000 such visits - up some 90,000 on 2023), and we look forward to welcoming many of you again over the coming twelve months.


Wendy Bartter said...

Great to have a new blog page for 2025 with evidence that one/or other/or both of our Peregrines have visited the scrape as the spike has been moved from yesterday's position ... will be good to actually see them ... Happy New Year to all🤞😊

Wendy Bartter said...

Chànge of position of the bird spike indicates another visit to the scrape!

Anonymous said...

What a find, shame it's not a better view ...

Anonymous said...

Better view today, thinking it's a female, wonder if it's our resident one?

Kate said...

Yay!! Thanks Nick M. must start my several daily check ins, hope fully no more nasty weather

Wendy Bartter said...

Hi Kate, another pair of eyes will be good!

Wendy Bartter said...

Previous two comments as 'anonymous' were from me ... a little gremlin in the works changed my status!!😣

Kate said...

Looks like our female visiting ledge of scrape daily.on ledge as I write.

Kate said...

Lots of chupping this morning,thought other may actually land , and would see some bonding.,but not today....

Wendy Bartter said...

Many thanks for your observations Kate

Wendy Bartter said...

Some footage from yesterday & today, still hoping to capture bonding ...

Wendy Bartter said...

Today sees the female scraping around after perching for a while gently calling but male doesn't join her this time ...

Anonymous said...

Saw the female in the scrape calling quite loudly yesterday but my recording gear wouldn't function ... only sighting today was a pair of feet on the ledge around 09.53, big enough to be the female's! Hoping for more action as the weather improves!

Wendy Bartter said...

Sorry for the blip, that last post was from me!

Wendy Bartter said...

This afternoon's visitor who I think is our female ...

Kate said...

Thanks Wendy,good catch actually in scrape, certainly not bothered by the spikes,

Wendy Bartter said...

More action from this afternoon ... could be the male???

Kate said...

Just spotted her having a nose around and then transferring to the second cam , before sitting on ledge.

Wendy Bartter said...

Have footage of that Kate plus quite a bit more as she seemed to be happy spending a lot of time between the two scrapes, was good to see ...

Wendy Bartter said...

Footage from today shows bonding from a distance ...

Then female visits scrape for a poke around ...

Wendy Bartter said...

Longish visit this afternoon but unfortunately not much detail!!!

Wendy Bartter said...

Female visits at 15.11 ...

Kate said...

Thanks Wendy for all vids .At least scrapes being used, so hopefully as this month progresses we see the both a bit clearer, bonding

Wendy Bartter said...

Still no 'up close & personal' bonding Kate even though they arrived within a minute of each other!!

M Harlow said...

Why is there a section of bird deterant spikes in the nesting box.

Wendy Bartter said...

Only sighting today ...

Wendy Bartter said...

Broke off at some point and blown into scrape ... will be removed when the clean up is undertaken to prepare for egg laying

Wendy Bartter said...

Lone visitor this afternoon, looks & sounds like the male to me, very gentle sounds ...

Wendy Bartter said...

Very short visit just after midday ...

Kate said...

Lovely flight incoming. Many thanks as always

Wendy Bartter said...

Thanks Kate ... another visit at nearly same time of day, our Peregrine must have a watch!! hahaha

Wendy Bartter said...

Female had been perched in slate scrape since at least 09.30, she flew just after noon and another Peregrine visited the gravel scrape ... was it the male??

Emma said...

Just checked in for the first time in a while. Glad you’ve been keeping a watch Wendy, thank you. Are those owl pellets in the top right corner?

Wendy Bartter said...

Good to see you back on here Emma ... I thought the pellets were from our Peregrines

Wendy Bartter said...

Experiment with two screens, not always successful but good to catch some bonding at last although the male seemed scared ...

Wendy Bartter said...

A bit of action at 10.00 ...

Wendy Bartter said...

This is what we've been waiting for ... bonding started more earnestly ...

Another session at 15.23 and our female spending much more times in the scrape or perched on ledge, asserting ownership?

Kate said...

Yay! well done Wendy abd of couse our Birds

Jean said...

Hi Wendy and Kate, Thanks for all the updates. I have just got a photo of preening session on edge scrape.

Wendy Bartter said...

Thanks Kate and hello Jean, good to hear from you ... too early for me 😴 but here is our male having a scrape at 09.33 in bright sunshine ...

Wendy Bartter said...

Ten minute visit by female at 15.54 (16x speed)