Happy New Year to all our Peregrine watchers!
The indefatigable Wendy Bartter continues to make many video clips of our birds through the relatively quiet winter months and puts them on You Tube.
Here's the one she made today - 1st January 2024 which has the female preening in the sunlight and then repeatedly calling to her mate (from about 2 minutes in).
To find others, please check out the comments to previous posts...and also commenst to this post for any new ones.
Thanks Wendy so much for all you excellent work with these videos!
Last year we had over 224,000 views showing just how popular these Derby peregrine are across the globe. Our Project began back in 2006, and webcameras and were installed a year later. Since that time the cameras have attracted over 5.1 million unique visitors!
Scroll down the blog and you will find a Clustrmap showing where all our blog visitors and readers have come from over the past month.
Best wishes
Just read this good news and posting link in case anyone missed it ...
Catch up of visits plus a couple of pics showing location of scrapes on the Cathedral ... did see some bonding this morning but was so brief that I couldn't get a recording!
Looked hopeful for bonding but never happened ...
Re Clustrmap, disappointed to find out that my area not on it!
Visits on 19th & 22nd ... would love to have seen what caused the egg to be moved to that new position!
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