Monday, 13 February 2023

Off we go again

Antony Pooles, Watch Point volunteer and local bird tour leader, passes the cathedral fairly regularly and he reports that our pair are present and on and off the platform too....which is both reassuring and exciting!
This is confirmed by two screenshots taken by Helen Naylor, another of our Watch Point volunteers, who captured these shots of the female on the platform on Saturday (11th).

Female on the platform 

Female looking up to the heavens.....

We should see courtship taking place on the platform soon and then mating also.
Egg laying might be early again  as it was last year?
Do let us know what you see using the comments facility on this blog.

The Project Team


Wendy Bartter said...

Many thanks Anthony for your reports and Helen for the welcome pics ... been checking cams but no luck yet, not working for me today, will check again later!

Wendy Bartter said...

Kingston have won the egg race with an amazingly early first egg at 22.59 last night, 1st March
Twitter vid

Kate said...

Thank you Anthony

Hoping the days will start to become busy, and we have a successful 2023