It was good to see many people at the Watch Point
Three DVDs were sold - so perhaps it's a good moment for those who don't know about it to mention that 'The Peregrines of Derby' DVD was made a few years back but is just as topical today as it was then. Chris Packham puts in a cameo performance while much of the footage is video clips captured by Nick Moyes, showing the various stages of the breeding cycle.
To purchase a copy (price £9.95 inclusive of postage) phone the DWT office in office hours on 01773 881188 to pay by card or send a cheque payable to DWT to DWT, East Mill, Belper DE56 1XH.
Jon Salloway has been taking great photos of the peregrines for many years. The two here, taken yesterday morning, show the juvenile that was on the swimming bath roof.
If you can think up a caption for the photo of the youngster with its leg in the air, do send it in - though there's no prize for the best one!
Nick B (DWT)
Please note that the photos are copyright of Jon Salloway
Getting ready for the watchpoint today and watching one of the juveniles dangle from the cathedral's flag pole rope The pole would have been an easier place to land!
It is now raining quite steadily in the Derby the Watch Point may well be interrupted...but there will be umbrellas available so the volunteers will do their best to have at least one telescope out on The Green for you I'm sure....
Nick B (DWT)
I drove past Jury's Inn at about 10:30am. I could see 3 of the peregrines perched in various places, one on the roof, one at the bottom of the 'lightning conductor' spire, and one on the east face lettering.
"According to my watch that Cathedral clock is slow!"......
How about "Peregrine Power!!"
Caption What time have you got!
Brilliant new photos.
The juve is saying "and what time do you call this"?
Watch out for my left hook!
"Ein Falc, ein Reich, ein Feather"
I've just put a couple of photos up on Flickr that I took this afternoon, so you can see where the 6 birds were when we saw them all at the same time, just before 13:30.
"Which claw is it in... I didn't think this through!"
Come and have a go if you think you`re hard enough.
"I wanted a "Help The Heroes" wristband....."
caption "May the force be with you"
Super pictures and thanks
Caption- "You put your left leg in. In,out,in,out, you shake it all about"
as the lion said out of the Wizard of Oz "PUT EM UUUUP"
Grrr Nosy parkers
I coulda been a contender...
And if the stoop doesn't get him I'll punch his lights out - like this....
"You said the photocall was at 10am ... been stood here like a lemon waiting for you!"
My caption -
You put the left one in.......!
The falcon is on the scrape with food.
Not got a caption yet...
well I think it's the falcon, could be the tiercel.
one baby has returned to the nest 10.20pm
Good to see you back, John B (not the caption) !
"If you don't stop calling me a juvenile I will give you a bunch of fives"
Re.the other photo.
"Please stop looking at me"
Hmmm, 014. What the hell does that mean?
14 to Enterprise: Beam me up!
Like a bad penny me Terry (No that's not a caption).
'Tomorrow belongs to me!'
Caption - "I am NOT a number, I am a free falcon"
Caption: 'Scuse me, why bus not stop? Sure this is bus stop.....'
How much longer do i have to wait for a pidgeon? Im starving.
If I wave this up and down hard enough will I take off and fly!!!!
And the time is...
respect 2 the peregrine
Caption: Yoohoo 015, I'm up here.
There are so many things to admire in those beautiful photographs, not least of which, the stunning young falcon herself.
I didn't know they could close their talons so tightly like that but then I remember reading somewhere that they sometimes use them to 'punch' their prey out of the air so it makes sense.
Not sure the 'gloves' are a great fit though. Maybe she'll grow into them :P
I must get some moisturising cream!
You put your left leg in...your left leg out, in out in out.... come on everyone join in.
caption: To the moon Alice......
Thank you for the multi cam view!
Another caption -
Mum I think it needs a plaster!
Call this bling?
Can we call an end to these captions please, a bit sad really
Order! Order!
Thanks for all the captions sent in - some really good ones among them.
Maybe Joy is right and we should move on now. It's been fun though.
No reports of the birds today so I will go down tomorrow and see what I can see. Nick M has kindly changed the camera views so you can see the view across the top of the 'gargoyles' where, I hope, the juveniles will often perch, along with the adults.
Nick B (DWT)
There is a falcon on the nest ledge at 23.09 can't see any detail of course. Maybe its a youngster back on a visit!
So who is being a "killJOY" then? Sorry I don't see anything sad about a few humerous comments. I am happy not to contribute but not at the behest of one person.
cum on you rams
"Watchpoint is that way - don't know what you're all looking at though" Yes Killjoy lets have a few more, maybe the children who have been watching carefully all this time might like to think of a few ?
Perhaps we can have no more comments about the pros and cons of captions now?
If people have more captions then please leave them here as you have been doing. The blog has moved on and will move further on soon, leaving this post and its comments/captions behind...
In fact, I have been surprised and delighted with the number of captions you've come up with. It has clearly been a popular thing.
Nick B (DWT)
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