(Updated Sunday 12: 45 UK time
It seemed that half the world was watching yesterday evening as chick no 4 made its appearance. I think this screenshot captures the exact moment of appearance at 20:48.
Below that is a stop-motion video of this 20 minute episode. And thanks for everyone's comments and feedback, too. No doubt here will be other images posted on our brand new Flickr photo pool from many watchers around the world. )
The three other video clips shown below of our new peregrine chicks were retrieved from the recording equipment inside the bell-ringing chamber of Derby Cathedral’s ancient tower on Friday 1st May. They go back to 29th April when our first egg hatched, and lead up to today's exciting and long-awaited events
The first gives a glimpse of the first egg in the process of hatching at 18:45 on 29th April 2009, with the chick still half inside the egg. We then see Mum nibbling at (consuming?) the free eggshell. Turn up the sound to hear the faint call of the young chick. (Duration: 2min 51sec)
The second shows the two 12-hour old chicks being fed around 10:40 on 30th April 2009 (Duration: 2min 36sec)
The third shows Mum taking a well-earned break, leaving now three chicks alone on the nest platform for a while. Aren’t they cute at this stage? Just wait a few days and boy, do they change! This was also captured on 30th April, but at 18:37 local time. (Duration: 1min 25sec)
This group is really taking off, with some fantastic webcam screenshots now uploaded from around the world. Thank you. There have been some problems reported with people not being able to view all the pictures. This can be remedied by joined the Group itself, after reading and agreeing to the group rules, of course.
Comments left on the blog today have suggested that anyone uploading pictures needs to ensure they have their privacy setting so that their pictures are “open to all". (I hope I've got this right!)
Latest image taken at 19:20 on Saturday evening shows the fourth egg with some definite cracking around it.
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»Brilliant. great to see and hear the peregrines. I much appreciate the work you must do to put all this "on air" Will there be a fourth hatching?
Great view of the chicks and a still-unhatched egg at 01:00 local time.
BTW: Nice vids.
Pax Canada 5.46pm
Great videos.
Pam uk, no I dont :)
Thanks indeed wonderful and a great job well done. Made me feel much better. Hopefully the last little one will hatch soon. Will not and I repeat will not close down computer for our move until it hatches. Mother nature will have to take the blame Nick for us not moving when we should have.
Just watching a feeding time great to see 3.30am approx your time
Feeding time - 3:30 a.m. Last egg still unhatched.
Wonderful shots I got of the feeding but do not know how to post them.
Anonymous WHERE are YOU. Must be still up just like me.
I am up, but not for long! I've posted the pics to the group account and now, I am going to bed!
Thanks for posting the video clips, it's great to see the 3 chicks. I still haven't got a chance to see them on webcam, maybe I need to log on my PC more frequently. Jennie, Hong Kong.
Still up and waiting for :Tiddler" It is 12.10. here in Ontario. Anyone still out there?
Hi, Ann,
I'm here. I can see fluff under the Mom(?) but can't get a chick count.
I'm sorry you have to move, but it's great that you will be with family.
A lot of little bodies under Mom I wonder Just How Many She is quite attentive at the moment.
Hi Karen Anne yes it is great we have family that cares about us. Nice to hear from you. Have seen you on hear and often wondered about you. Where in the States are you. thanks so much for your sympathy. So many people are not as fortunate as we are. This recession is claiming lots of victims.
Hay Pax Your out there on the west coast.? We might be the first to see
Tiddler arive. Here over the Pond.
That was me Pax I am so tired from all the packing etc. Forgot to put my name on the last post.
Oh I can't say how sorry I am for the bad spelling. I should have said here and not hear. I guess I am more tired that I realized. So who is left out there anyway. Do not think I am the only one up at this unearthly hour. What day is it anyway? Just kidding. Let us see who cane stay up the longest?
Sorry again should be can, not cane. Think I am suffering from too much of the tea and coffee stuff. Is Mom looking wonderful and so proud? Or what? Oh my This could end up in Divorce, or Hubby may move without me. He went to bed hours ago. Getting desperate for chick # 4 to hatch.
Ok who is out there at this time pulling in the camera closer and closer? Are you expecting someone to hatch? I hope so Can't wait up much longer. Falling asleep at the computer. How much closer can you get anyway? ha ha ha :)
Pax Canada 10.11pm
Anne, dont know if your still up, just got back to the computer, not quite as late here, you must be using match sticks to keep your eyes open :)
Yes I certainly am How are you.
Pax, good thanks, I watch corrie too they moved it to 3.30pm because of playoffs, our Canucks are still in it we won last night play tomorroe Chicago black hawks
Great Corrie Fan too are you. We had the actor who plays Kevin Webster here in Toronto this year at the British show. If you want to chat sometime I can be reached even after the move at maritime_lovers@hotmail.com Love to talk with you. Mom Peregrine looks like she is very busy. Even at this time of night. Soon be morning in England.
Anne I will E.mail you , once you are back on after the move :)
Great looking forward to that. Should be back on line by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Will not shut down till very last minute Sunday morning. After watching Coronation St. of course.
Darn it Mom peregrine got me all excited just then I saw her lift up and I could see 3 little bodies. Just did not lift high enough to see if egg # 4 was visible or not. I have one eye open and the other closed. Don't know how much longer I can stay awake.
think maybe there is a feed time coming up
Yes maybe you are right. I am starting to get very sleepy Hope it will not be too much longer.
I will have to leave for a while, have to call my daughter in Australia
Any minuate now I think she will lift up and show us something Hurry back
Pax, busy signal
Too bad maybe she is watching the peregrines as well? I thought there for a minute we were going to see something she has settled down again
cat is on my lap and just staring at the screen lol
Must put the kettle on for a coffee to keep me awake. I don't believe I am doing this. Must be an adrenalin rush from all the packing. Time to get up soon in England. Come sleepy heads.
Pax a glimpse of the egg!
Yes me too just saw it
Well I guess that is it for this night. Maybe I should get some sleep it is 2.10am here Maybe the Little one will hatch in the morning. Good night Pax. And who ever is left out there. We should win a prize for keeping this going all night right?
what a wonderful shot
Feed time almost missed it
sleep well Anne
Thanks will do my best just watching the feeding before I go.
Egg is definately pipped, come on baby!
Wow! that was wonderful to watch
Well I can't stay awake any longer Hopefully I will catch the 4th hatch sometime Saturday. Almost 2.30am here in Ontario. Wonderful feeding we just witnessed.
That 4th egg is causing lots of virtual carpet pacing! I just popped a shot of it on Flickr - as Fiona says it is clearly pipped now.
As Admin advised: To see all photos you need to register with Flickr and join the DerbyPeregrines Group. Contributers can choose "open to all" on their photos to give wider accessibility. (I have learnt this with much frustration + trial and error ... and still feel that I may have missed a few tricks).
Well, I've just got up in the Derby Time Zone and I'm amazed to see the conversations that went on from far away all night. Now I'm wondering if Ann is going to get moved OK. It's as hair-raising as the Tiddler-hatching!!!! I've got two things to worry about now. Have everything crossed for both events. So glad to hear there are definite signs of pipping. I can't sit here all day - I've got final rehearsals then a performance of Haydn's "Creation" to panic about. COME ON TIDDLER!
Thanks for the chick flix guys, really really great. Just watched them with my 4-year-old over breakfast. Fascinating and educational. His inevitable comment: "Aaah, they're so cute!" I hear the 4th egg has definitely pipped, so maybe we'll see another chick before the day is out. I'll have to share my time between watching the chicks and watching the snooker, neither of which are like watching paint dry, contrary to what some people might think :)
any news on number four come on LITTLE ONIK!!
Hello. I have only recently discovered this site and am now completely addicted!
Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures and excellent video clips - someone is doing a lot of hard work!
I have some questions - apologies if they have all been asked and answered before - but I would be very grateful if anyone feels able to answer them -
How can I tell the male and female apart?
If the 4th egg didn't hatch what would the parents do with it?
Have I understood correctly that when the chicks/parents have eaten enough the remnants of the prey is then stored somewhere for a later feed?
Do the parents hunt at night?
Thank you in advance!
Great videoing, First thing we do in a morning is switch the PC on to see what has happened. We were in Derby yesterday but didn't see any signs of the Peregrins. This is the most fantastic website. Keep it up. Come on number four, I shall be on and off all day until you arrive. Even got our grandchildren glued and interested. Well done 'The team'. Joy
I love the bit at the start of the 2nd video clip where a (prey) feather lands on a chick's head and the parent bird picks it off. And at the end of the 3rd clip the two chicks at the front look as if they're trying to eat one another. V.funny.
Hi Sue, glad you found the site, it's very addictive isn't it. Most of us have been finding it rather difficult to sex the parent birds and this question has popped up a number of times before. The experts have given us some pointers but it's still hard to tell the male and female apart. If you look back through previous blog comments you'll probably find quite a bit of info on the subject. I think generally speaking, the male is smaller than the female and their head profiles are different.
Your second question was about what happens to any unhatched eggs - I think a couple of years ago 2 of the eggs didn't hatch and they hung around for ages and then disappeared. It was assumed the parents had disposed of them somehow but I don't think it was clear at the time what had happened. Let's hope we don't have that situation this year.
Not sure about your other two queries, I'll let someone else enlighten you...
Hi Sue,
I'm no expert - just passing on what I have learned, mostly from this great site.
The tiercel (male) is significantly smaller than the falcon (female). Obviously, this is difficult to tell at first unless they're both in shot, but as you spend more time watching them both, you can often tell. When sitting, the tircel appears to have a rather stubbier tail, probably because his wings are smaller.
Whether Peregrines hunt at night is the subject of debate. Because the urban birds have the advantage of city lights, some reports have been made of night hunting but AFAIK, it's yet to be proved.
Yes, I believe there's a place on the cathedral that the birds use as a small cache to store prey.
Now that the eyases (chicks) have arrived, mum will spend almost all her time with them and dad will do the hunting. These Peregrines are fantastic parents. Rarely will you see the eyases left alone and they will ensure that every eyas is fed - tho the biggest/strongest/noisiest will usually push themselves to the front of the queue at feeding time and be fed first.
When they've had enough, they seem to just collapse and fall asleep which is quite amusing. As they get a little bigger, they will just turn or walk away from the adult to indicate they've had enough so the others get fed.
Thank you Terri & Terry for your posts ~ much appreciated and very helpful.
It's still an egg at the moment - am having a job getting a scan of it, hope someone else does. Other Sue, I believe Nick (Museum) is very interested in night time hunting shots, for a nationwide survey.
4th egg on flickr
If mum's not sitting firmly on the 4th egg because of protecting the 3 chicks. Would it affect the 4th getting hatched? Jennie, Hong Kong.
Oh yes, still an egg. Experts - any signs of pipping????????? (I must get that optician's appointment made!!)
Hi, Ann,
I'm in Rhode Island/New England.
The fourth egg is definately pipped, i got a good view of it this morning before I left for work however being a 'technophobe' i don't know how to upload onto the photo pool, and my hubby was still in bed so couldn't ask! I'm watching intently, i can't wait!
All this watching is hard work as there is also a lot of activity in the Worcester nest, they already have four hungry mouths to feed!
Our mum seems to occasionally look at the left hand camera.
Does it zoom or pan? i.e. Does it make a slight noise, or otherwise distract her?
I always assume when she peers intently ariund that she's seen (or heard) the male and is preparing for a food delivery.
Good day everyone. Hope we are all refreshed for another day glued to this little box. Yes Pax Canada and my-self were well chatting away till 2.30am Ontario time. West Coast is still sleeping I bet. Well if that egg has pipped like a few have noticed then hopefully I will get my wish and see the last little one before tearing down the computer. All going well thanks got most of the work done. Should get moved on time Sunday morning. Happy for our new member of the group welcome. Did not take you long to get hooked right? It has worked that way with most of us I think.
still one to go
clear shot of the last egg now while feeding is going on
Feeding time. I saw three chicks and part of an egg. Did anyone see the whole egg?
Damn! Just missed the "off the nest". So, still not hatched egg 4 yet (sigh) I have to go and rehearse "The Creation" now - look after the shop for me, everyone, while I'm away. I want that egg hatched by the time I'm back at just after 5:30pm (Aylesbury time!)
Good morning Karen Anne. I think only part of the egg was visible at any one time during that last feed. They said earlier it has been noticed clear pipping. Hopefully it won't be much longer. Love those video's guys thanks for posting them. Wish we could watch them like that all the time sound and all. Then you would never get me off here and I probably would still be here when my hubby drove off in the moving truck.
Did anyone see that it was quite funny. I think that is Dad on the nest not sure. He does look smaller. Well I saw the other one quickly land on the side and the one on the nest appeared to come down harder on the nest as if to say I am not giving up my spot yet.
just left nest a while ago pick on flickr where is the forth egg??? hope there are no problems
Ann, the other day I saw Dad hunkered down in the eggs and Mom had quite a time getting him off, took 2-3 minutes and looming over him.
n1ck, the 4th egg, or at least part of it was visible just recently, but the three chicks are hiding it from view most of the time.
clear view now of cracking I believe
think i see 4
pretty sure number 4 is here
Watched feeding (2.50 onwards) couldn't see the 4th egg though but 3 hungry chicks fed well. These youngsters this year seem biggier and livelier than in other years. Does anyone think the same? Parents don't seem to look so comfortable keeping them warm and chicks moving around much more underneath them so parents fidget much more than I have seen in previous years at this particular stage.
Please check the tapes team I think you will see4. Just in the past few minutes.
Just watched a feed, and quite a messy one at that! Fourth egg was in view at the beginning – seemed to have a few more marks on it, compared with yesterday. Then it got covered up by the three hungry ones, almost as though were group incubating it..
hi I think i left comment in wrong palce as i am new to thsi but so excited, in the past few mins i am sure there are 4 chicks
C'mon number 4 where are you?
Yes I saw 4 some time ago they were all checking it out or so it looked like to me.
I would bet on it if I had the money right now so poor can't even pay attention. Except for this site
Just seen the egg still 3 chicks
yes so did i. its very clear now- how disappoiting i was convinced number 4 had hatched. never mind still time!
Fourth egg still there – just added a pic to flickr
oh yes very upsetting Got my hopes up I was sure it was there. Come Mother Nature gaet cracking:)
I have a move to get through. Time is running out.
i cannot believe how time flys cannot move from screen, just spent all day sat watching birds and now have no food shopping done. daren't move in case chick 4 arrives. oh well i am sure asdas open tomorrow :-)
Dear number 4 I think we have all been very patient with you, especially your mum, if I were you I'd get myself out of there and join in the sumptious feasts which are being prepared for your brothers/sisters. You don't know what you're missing!!
Has anyone definitely seen the egg cracking?
earlier to-day I saw a clear view of a long white line down the egg. I thought then it was a good sign of a soon to crack egg. Mother nature is making me wait Maybe I will have pull down computer for move and rush over to our daughters computer and let everyone else do the moving:) Sounds like a pretty good plan yes? if they let me get away with it. I say again Mother nature come on let's get cracking:) Can't concentrate anymore.
Thanks Colin just saw someone looking like they were listening for the egg to crack and the other bird was on the side waatching it all too. I need this to happen real soon Holding you to your promise Colin. I will not be able to take another night up till almost 3..in the morning and move as well. I am almost batty and I don't mean Nora Batty from Last of the Summer wine.
Can anyone tell me why that white spot on Dad is no longer there? Do all males have them? Is it something that goes away as they mature maybe? Just curious as I don't know too much about them Just learning. This site has been so helpfull for us beginners. Tiddler come on, put us all out of our suspense.
One parent on the chicks, the other parent calmly on the next edge for some time. The chicks parent was poking away at something out of sight for awhile, a snack?
Well who ever is on the nest is not going to give it up just yet. The other bird has been patiently waiting to take over I think, for quite some time now. You awake yet Pax? will we have another night like last night?
Pax Canada 9.19am
Hi Anne, just got to my computerj=just in time for a feeding, see 3 chicks but no egg unless it is under the chicks??
Hi yes still can't see if that egg is there maybe they will move soon and give us a peek Hope this does not run into a late night early morning again
just at the start of the last feeding was the quickest glance of the remaining egg just behind the bundles of fluff, still an egg i'm afraid
I could never count more than beaks! Lots off fluffy white bumps that may or may not have been chick 4. The parent removed a large piece of shell from the group of fluffpots - photo on Flickr. Drat - it is hard to be sure! So what do you think?
phew! glad someone spotted the egg.Cant watch too long, taking a neighbour who does not drive to the garden center, time to get my pots filled.
pooh my typing is bad today. .. not more than 3 beaks ... and of instead of .. off
Where is that baby?! i'm very certain that i saw it pipping at one end earlier this morning, Just having tea whilst watching the early evening feed, the laptop makes a lovely table centre piece for the family meal!! Good job the kiddies are just as enthusiastic. Hubby has now split the screen so i've got derby on one side, Worcester on the other! It's exhausting............
Back from "creation" and I see blogs to say it's still an egg ... sigh! Oh come on egg, get hatched!
did you just see that glimps of the egg again, its under his/her left wing if anything happens we should see it.
light view of 4th egg fa few moments ago now on flickr
Now I'm going back for the performance of "Creation" hoping for news on my return!
I am NOT cooking tonight, its going to be a take away, can't leave the screen. It surely must be imminent ???
I think Nick-B and Nick-M have been training that bird! Dance around a bit, always keep one wing or leg between the camera and the brood. Let there be tantalising glimpses of the older fluffpots. But no clear view of the egg or new hatchling!
Here's a snapshot of the recent zoomin on the egg, feel free to copy it to flicker if you want.
Is that white thing an attempt to break out or no? The other chicks are staying very close to the egg, can they hear the chick inside?
click for photo
Still an egg there. Pic on flickr..
@ Roger (AT) I'm so insulted you vcould say that, Roger!!
Just to prove you wrong, i've updated the latest blog entry with a screen shot taken at 19:20 this evening. I was beginning to doubt that anyone had seen any pipping or cracking at all, but the egg showed definitve signs of white around its edges, so it must be about to hatch, surely.
Almost too many comments and questions in this blog entry (108 comments to date), so I'll try and find a momnmet to go through them all and try and collate some answers.
For those now signed up on Flickr, you might not be aware of a useful facility called "Flickr mail" that enables you to contact a particular Flickr members directly, should you feel that is a more effecive way to communicate.
@Nick: :)) thanks for your re-assurance. The white mark is clearly a sign that something has changed, but I guess a few of us are fearful that the last chick might not make it.
But really, re:- my choreographing joke - you would think that they KNOW there are a huge number of fans watching, and that teasing them would be highly satisfying!
If that little chick ( number 4 ) has been trying to chip its way out since yesterday, how long will it survive in there? Will mum help it out at all?
I sure hope we get chick number four soon.
What great viewing!
Pax Canada 12.06pm
bavk from the garden ctr. looks like I did'nt miss anything :)
Any news?? Just put the kiddies to bed so i've not been watching!
Surely this little one's going to be exhausted?
No not missed much Still waiting and waiting and waiting. Looks like we are in for another long night tonight on this side of the pond. Stil have to finish last minute packing as well. I am so tired, actually exhausted is a better word. Computer coming down in the morning for the move Last chance tonight Tiddler please hurry up.
Looks like this is it folks!!
#4 YES!
Think its cracked
yes there is the empty shell
Just hauled out a piece of shell!!
Just watched number four pop out!!
think no 4 is out just seen a empty egg shell can anyone confirm jo
its arrived
Amen Amen at last Great news now I can sleep tonight and finish packing
4th one arrived! 20:48
Wow! Never seen an egg hatch before. Beem watching all day and now feel quite tearful!
I've just seen the sitting adult with pieces of shell. Looks like it's quads!
looked like the chicks had their beaks in the shell
What an absolutely amazing experience thank you to the project team for allowing me the priviledge of watching this sight
Number 4....YIPPEE!!!
yes 4th pick on flickr enjoy
Agreed. It is an absolute privilege to see something like this. thank you to all concerned.
Pax Canad
congrats to the project members, maybe you can get some sleep now :)
thank you so much to everyone who has put this fantastic web cam together i have sat here since 1pm this afternoon waiting (still not been shopping) its the first time i have every seen a chick hatch ( i am ogver 40) and what a fantastic sight that was- i feel like crying it was brilliant...
thnak s again - jackie
Am with you Jackie! I sat here all day virtually and now have tears pouring down my cheeks. What a wondeful thing to see.
now I will be able to watch the hockey game tonight
I think everybody can get some sleep now and Ann can move home - possibly on time?!
Haven't seen the new Tiddler yet but am hoping there will be a feed before daylight ends.
Mum looks so proud. No doubt, Dad will be too.
Just timed it right - just gone onto night vision!! Congratulations to the Project Team and thank you so much for bringing this to everyone. Susie, Derby
Well the wait was worth it right everyone? Got my wish now I can move in the morning knowing the little one finally arrived.
What a magnificent week this has been! Thank you to everyone involved in this project, it has all been so worthwhile, moving, amusing and so exciting. Your efforts are truly appreciated. And well done Mr. & Mrs. P.!
Have only started watching in the last 2 days but feel like I have just given birth myself! Will be a regular visitor now ....
And just how did that chick get inside that tiny egg!!!
thank you to everyone concerned that brought me this wonderful sight/site Ive been sat here since the day before the first chick from early till late Ive enjoyed every fantastic moment, some of it with my sons.some of it with the mrs telling me to get off the flippin pc. I have captured quite a few screens over the last few days I'm so happy i managed to capture most of the chicks first moments. I have most of my picks on flikcr and hope everyone enjoys them ill be posting more soon. once again thankyou so much for the live stream i don't even want to imagine the effort you guys n gals must put into this.
a donation will be on its way very soon. once again thankyou very much i shall be watching and capturing for the foreseeable future.
p.s. if you want to copy my pics feel free to do so any problems get in touch
What a relief. Was beginning to think it would be bad news. Truly amazing outcome. Can't wait to see all 4 of them feeding in the morning.
Excellent News!
Very nice screenshots on Flickr from n1ck1ee and Donthesteam.
I chose the wrong time to go out visiting, but with such a large group of ardent watchers it's sure that one of us will catch a precious moment.
I missed it!! My daughter was crying and i had to go up to her. Way to go Tiddler!! I'm soooooooooooo relieved. So it's a full house in Derby and Worcester.Can't wait to see tiddles, trying desperatley to see something, blasted night vision!!
Mrs P probably thinks Mr P has been out all evening with his mates, whereas in fact, he's been busy chasing women away.
She'll never believe him. :D
Well hello Tiddler '09' !
Great news and i cant wait to see them all together.
and does anyone know when the video showing tiddlers arrival to the world will be posted?
Great news, at least this year they are all closer together. Can't wait to see them properly. Its amazing how quickly they grow. Well done Mr. & Mrs Peregrin, keep up the good work.Joy
colin is there any chance that the intruder is any of the young from previous years
Hey, I'm back from "The Creation" and delighted to see egg 4 has finally hatched "Praise the lord, ye voices all" is a very approriate bit of music still going around my head. Hope we're all going to spring out of bed bright and early - isn't it "International Dawn Chorus Day" tomorrow?
Night, God Bless all, see you tomorrow.
A Giant Thank you to the Derby team for their huge amount of work on this wonderful project.
Over on Flicker, here is what the group looks like to people without a Flicker account. If you aren't in the list below as having photos in the group, please consider mucking with your settings to make the photos public:
47 members, 104 photos, photos are visible from these people and no others:
Pam UK
Northern Soul
Flora Derbyshire
Maybe someone who can log in could say if any photos are there from other people, and if so, who? Thanks.
I don't understand it, I have checked my account and all of my pictures are set to public viewing, but as you say, when I log out my pictures aren't visible?! I don't understand what the problem could be
Pax Canada 3.50pm
what is that just to the right of mum? it almost looks like the newest chick?? anyone there who can answer??
hope it is the broken shell
The thing is showing concave now. I think it is a shell. If I remember correctly the eggs look white under the light used at night. Whew.
Amazing pics on Colin's blog.
Pax Canada 7.02pm
Thank you Nick,from viewing it later I am sure you are right, just me being a panic pants :)
Glad to hear you got some sleep.
Jo I tried to blow up the shots, and pretty sure the intruder was un rung. For sure no coloured ring.
Colin, those are amazing photos! Folks, don't forget you can see larger versions by clicking on the photos.
If this was within Mom's field of view, I would imagine she knows what went on, with a hawk's eyesight.
Feeding time:
All chicks present and hungry at this morning's breakfast, May 3rd.
Tiddler 2009 seems half a head shorter than the others, but was not backward in getting his beak up. A couple of shots posted on Flickr.
Hi Karen Anne, I uploaded 3 images on Flickr yesterday, did you see them? Jennie, Hong Kong.
Missed the fourth hatching and haven't had a glimpse of all four yet but so pleased number 4 made it. Just looked at Dad sitting up on the tower and can't help feeling a bit sorry for him as all attention on mum and little ones. If only they knew how many well wishers they have. Very well done Mr & Mrs P and a million thanks to all involved in the project. Christine x
re. the intruding female: as many of you will know, urban peregrines in the UK are increasing in numbers and generally breeding well so there are bound to be quite a few unmated young birds knocking about, the older ones beginning to look for suitable nest sites.
The Derby youngsters had colour rings 9and numbered metal rings) put on in 2007 and 08 but the three in 2006 (the first brood) had only metal rings - and these are hard or impossible to see unless the legs are extended and a photographer manages to capture a shot which shows both legs.
So it seems likely the intruder was reared elsewhere....there are other successful urban-nesting peregrines in the Midlands and some not that far away too! As far as I know these young are either unringed or only have the metal numbered ring, mostly unringed because the nests are difficult to reach.
We have had intruder peregrines in previous years and it is to be expected. These parents will keep them at bay no problems!
Nick B (DWT)
Being a "brown bird" the intruder would be a 2008 hatched falcon.
And I am pretty sure I would have been able to identfy the Orange ring, so as Nick said its from elsewhere.
@ Karen Anne: I am logged in and see these additional contributors: Christineself32; donthesteam; Sara6788; Jennie.HongKong; rlmiller; periwatch; alan165; kath1912; l.weaver; Dave Arrowsmith; eastoho; nja1969. maybe others.
I don't understand the visibility settings - all their photos in the pool are marked "anyone can see". When I looked "logged off" I did not even see my own shots - but you do. How wierd is that?
Hi Nick, have you had any sleep?? Glad you are up early, I've just had a thought for a sunday morning before I head off to work-we know the little blighters can eat but what happens to their poo? I dont see Mrs P doing any 'housekeeping' so to speak so who gets rid of it and how? Christine x
Jennie, I can see photos on flicker from jenniferwindridge, is that you? No other jennie.
Morning everyone, how's Tiddler and the others this mornin, i can't wait to see them, but i better deal with my own little brood first!!
Wahey, just got my first glipse of the little fella! How onderful is this??? What a brilliant way to starthe day, Just showing them all off to my kiddies, it's great!!
One of the parents has developed a really annoying habit of feeding the chicks with its back to the camera. Has it no thought for its world-wide audience??!!
PS Hi Anonymous - I can see I will have to chcange my screen name!
ahh well no watching today chaps hope you get lots of captures while im at my sons football tournament at bradford city fc happy watching and dont forget to post capture on flickr please
Roger: After you have uploaded pics into your own box on Flikr you need to go into the group area. Above the group pics there is an "add photos" link. I missed that at first :-) C
@ ChrisX: Thanks .. the 60 yr old brain just about figured that out after 2 days :-) ... my kids would have had it off to perfection in 5 minutes.
The point that intrigues us is this: a non-logged-on viewer sees some shots, and some Group members but not all. We cannot see any differences in the settings for visible/invisible ones. The answer is simple. Join Flickr + Join Group. But not all want to or can.
Great fun if you do not weaken!
Roger-are you PC or Mac? (PS your brain is still comparatively young .... ummm ;-)
Reading Nick's crie de coeur about bearing with him, and pointing out that the team does most of the work in their own time, I just wanted to say thanks, it's all VERY appreciated. I'd long admired peregrines from books and films etc but the project gave me my first opportunity to see real live peregrines. You're doing so much to promote both wildlife and Derby. It's just a shame that the positive influence can't spread to Wigan - I read in todays "Observer" newspaper, with a heavy heart, that two teenagers are being sought there for kicking a swan to death as she sat on her nest. Now, there are some hearts and minds that need winning.
And team, thanks once again for all you do.
RE. the question about pooh: These young just aim outwards as you'll see when they get bigger (and their poos do too!) the sides of the platform get white washed....
Small birds' young do poo in what are known as faecal sacs and the parent birds carry these away thus maintaining a clean nest and one where the white wash doesn't attract unwanted attention. But with peregrines and indeed all larger birds, where threats to the young are less or minimal as with peregrines, they just aim outwards or 'over the side' when they are able to do so!
Nick B (DWT)
Managed to see all four just before parent bird got in the way whilst feeding. Cannot seem to find this 20min video? Joy
There's a great video clip on YouTube of the Derby peregrines doing exactly that!! Entitled 'Let's Poo on Mum' from June 2007.
Just witnessed another feed - the incoming falcon had its back to the camera mostly, so I couldn't see much of the process except a couple of bobbing fluffy white heads. Then the nest was left unguarded for a few seconds, before the previous falcon came back & is now doing the tea-cosy bit. I think the catch had been a small bird. All 4 chicks look well.
Mum just fed them again. All 4 got their rations, including little tiddler who wobbled his/her way to the front at one point.
The falcon kindly turned to face the camera this time !
It still amazes me how gentle and delicate the falcon appears when feeding her young. You can see the love in her eyes.
I've only been following from this year so forgive me if this question has already been asked. When will the tagging/ringing the chicks happen?
Whats happened to last year's chicks - are they still around?
I think it's about 3 weeks from hatching, Kishore.
Click here for details of last year's ringing and other interesting stuff.
So far as I know, there are no recent sightings of last year's offspring.
@ Terry: Useful info in that link! It answered a lot of questions for me. I had tried searching the blog but not very successful. Perhaps Nick or Nick can copy those details into a permanent FAQ link - when they have some free time ...(November perhaps?).
On that point I would like to add my thanks to the Derby Cathedral Peregrine team, and all those who have made this wonderful experience possible.
Oho as I write another feeding has started, but the chicks are off camera this time.
Can someone please tell me how you make a comment and still watch whats happening please. Many thanks Joy
@ Terry Hert - thanks for the info. That will go in the diary.
@Joy: Open two windows (Ctrl-n) on a PC. or just click the browser icon a second time. Then resize each window so that you can see them side by side. (via the top right icon called "maximise" which will toggle the window between full and customised size. If you have a Mac you need different advice.
mmm that was not perfectly clear. Ctrl-n works after you have opened the first window. I expect you know that when less than full size, you can drag the windows around using the mouse, and clicking on the very top header bar
Ctrl-N means press these two buttons at the same time.
Thanks guys, but it's the people running this project that deserve the credit. Admittedly, it took a bit of digging to provide the link but that's nothing compared to the efforts put in by the project team - I'm sure you realise that.
I'm just glad to be able to help out in a tiny way where I can.
I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks. The chicks grow so fast and I especially enjoy reading blog comments from people who have never witnessed the webcams before. I've learned so much here over the past couple of years. It's also renewed my interest in other birds and ecology many times over.
Just got back i and logged on, hope i haven't missed anything too much! we called in at the cathederal on the way back from Keddleston hall, unfortuantely it appears we were there right inbetween feeds! It was lovely to just be there though and see the actual box, i felt all emotional thinking that they were all in there! How are they all doing? Has Tddler been getting enough food?!
Sorry got called away.
So now with two windows side by side you look at the webcam on one, and be looking at the blog on the other. To get more adventurous, you could open a third window on Flickr to be browsing the screenshots also. Thats what I do. I keep the webcam on the right, and switch the left panel between Blog and Flickr (by using the minimise icon).
Please shout if you need more help. (Sorry if I tell you things you know)
My husband set it up for me like that on Friday, I have the Derby family on the left, the Worcester family top right and the Derby blog bottom left, it's the only way i could keep up!!
all these babies are exhausting but so worth it, i'm getting hours of pleasure out of these two little families!
I meant bottom right, you can tell i don't know what i'm doing!
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