Quick trip to check for prey remains this morning at 7am found the male on the platform in the sun, preening himself. My rubbishy photo does at least show where he was in relation to the camera which is the one which has brought you the web cam pictures of the gravel/nesting side of the platform.
Nick B
Ps. One swift primary wing feather and one almost certainly from a golden plover (I've yet to check) were my prey finds. Swifts will depart for Africa any day now, one of the first summer migrants to leave. Incidentally, for you folk on t'other side of the pond, an American chimney swift has been in the UK recently......blown over the Atlantic and now way off course.
Postscript: Thanks for the notification about the frozen webcam picture yesterday evening. Unfortunately we don't seem able to restart the webcam video server remotely, as we normally can. So it may be early next week before we can get up the tower to restore live pictures again.
Great Photo, not rubbishy at all. The web cams have frozen at 23.09 last night, and it shows an adult there then too.
Cameras now working (14.45pm) thanks to Tony who scaled the heights and did the business.
Both adults present together briefly apparently.
Nick B
One magnificent bird on the nest box.
And a birdie on the nest box.
Bird still on the nest platform at 17.58
Thank you so much for seeing to the cameras. It just wouldn't be the same wothout them to check first thing in the morning and again late at night.
Thank you for the camera fix. At 21:27 the resident bird (dad?) had a quick look up and around - like one of the youngsters 'were looking for a bed/meal for the night'...
Pax B.C. forgot to say I think it is a good photo Nick, looks like the bird is saying "make sure you get my good side" lol
9:20 from a magistrates' court "somewhere in Bucks" .... I've not had a chance to check out the site for a couple of days but glad to be able to again! I rather like the picture, Nick - it gives a reasoanble idea of scale and doesn't it just show off those mighty talons. Right BACK TO WORK!!!!
Sue H
Bird on the nest box...
It's a bit like Big Brother hiding from the camera. Oops I shouldn't admit to watching that. I'll remain anonymous. The falcons are much more interesting anyway!
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