It tells the story of Derby's peregrine falcons and features Chris Packham, well-known as both a BBC TV presenter and as a vice-president of The Wildlife Trusts.
All profits from its sale go directly to support our webcams and other project costs. All the Peregrine Project Team appear on the film, as does national prey expert, Ed Drewitt, from Bristol Museum.
The DVD lasts 35 minutes and includes a large number of webcam video highlights taken over the course of the breeding season. Each short video clip comes with a commentary, so can be of great for schools to use in class.

You can order the DVD for £6 GBP (post free within the UK) from the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust office in Belper [see below].

Your copy will be dispatched the same day. UK cheques should be made payable to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and sent to the Trust at: East Mill, Bridge Foot, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1XH.
We can post abroad but we will ask you for an extra 'donation' of £1 GBP towards the higher postage costs. (The DVD is not region-coded, so it will play on all machines worldwide.)

If you wish you can watch a short DVD promo, read testimonials below, or see more of the work of artist Steven McLoughlin which is included in the video.
The Peregrines of Derby Cathedral is an independent production by Delta Echo Media who have kindly given us all the rights to help us raise funds for the project.
The DVD makes a superb present for anyone interested in birds, let alone for anyone who has ever logged on to our web cams or visited Derby Cathedral to see these magnificent birds for themselves.
- DVD came in the post this morning, have just watched. It is a pure delight, cannot recommend it highly enough. Congratulations to all concerned!! and Thank You! Audrey (UK).
- DVD excellent. I won't spoil it for anyone who has not yet seen it by saying no more than you are in for a treat. Enjoy!! (Pam - Derby, UK)
- Just finished watching the DVD, which I thought was excellent. Superb. (Ed Green, Chief Executive, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust)
- Oh my gosh...I just finished watching the DVD and logged on to congratulate you all for such an incredible production. Thirty five minutes of pure magical joy. I was smiling the whole time. Ave Maria will hold new meaning for me now. (Veronica, Cornwall, UK)
- Have just watched the DVD, which is truly excellent - a definite "must-have". (Anonymous blog comment, Derby)
- I really enjoyed watching the DVD last night. Thank you Derby Wildlife Trust for a really speedy and efficient postal service. It's a super DVD and I thoroughly recommend it. (Sue H. Bucks, UK)
- Ee-chupp! Yeah, my DVD came today. It's wonderful. I was so mesmerized by the opening, it wasn't until it stopped playing that I realized I had to click "play film" :-) (Karen Anne, North America)
- "Its superb . The photography is lovely, the graphics great and the webcam images fantastic -the whole story, great mating and the early chicks are really nice too. It's good to see a modern slant on it visually. Liked the talking heads and the whole story. Thank you for inviting me to contribute. (Chris Packham, BBC TV Presenter)
Have already ordered my DVD and looking forward to some good viewing!!
(Audrey UK)
Here's the total phone number to reach them from the U.S.:
011 44 1773 881188
Don't forget to think about chipping in a bit extra as a donation to support the peregrine work.
Thanks for that Karen Anne..very helpful.
And please remember it is a bank holiday here on Monday so the Trust office will be shut that day, open on Tuesday as usual.
Nick B
Yippee, I had called yesterday and was told they weren't ready so this was a great surprise. I have made my order and included a donation. Can't wait for the postman now. Thanks for all the hard work that went into this project. I am spreading the word to fellow falcon fans in the USA and will post details on their forum. It would be great if Froona could give it a mention on her diary...hint...hint...Froona! Veronica in Cornwall
Hooray! Hope to get to the Museum Shop on Saturday.
J.B. Derby
I had a quick look before I left work at lunchtime and went straight over to the Cathedral Shop to buy a copy of the DVD. Will watch it later tonight. Can't wait! Pam - Derby
Taking my grandaughter to the Falconry Fair Sunday,so I absolutely refuse to allow any early hatching,!by the way have you copped the Goshawk chicks on the Osprey site;I know!! I keep banging on about it Nick,but I honestly love the locals best.Will try and drum up some sales at the Fair,hows that?
Dennis, local lad.
OF COURSE I WILL give it a BIG mention Veronica!!!
I already have with some egg pics of today.
Congrats everybody who worked on the DVD with this hatching!
I will order one myself!
And now we're heading towards the hatching of the eyases in a few days time. Watch out for the first signs of little sounds coming out of the eggs, about 48 hours before hatching. The parents will be very excited when they here this. And so will we although we don't hear it, we will see it.
A bank holiday on Monday in the U.K.? I am thnking it's not Cinco de Mayo (victory over the French at Puebla, for the non-U.S./non-Mexican folks, aka time for parades, mariachi music, let's party :-)
Mum is moving about alot this morning(saturday) looking at the eggs, she seems restless i think hatching might be about to begin.
DVD came in the post this morning, have just watched. It is a pure delight, cannot recommend it highly enough. Congratulations to all concerned!!and Thank You!!
would like to know if the dvd is in the format that will enable it to be played in canada? some dvd's purchased in the uk will not play in canada or the u.s. will someone please let me know so that if i order one i will be able to watch it here in canada and not have to wait till i visit my mum and dad in burton!!
DVD excellent. I won't spoil it for anyone who has not yet seen it by saying more other than you are in for a treat. Enjoy!! Pam - Derby
She's really fidgety at the moment. Just caught a glimpse of three intact looking eggs but I think that things may be going on under there pretty soon now.....
mums been moving about alot these last two nights keeps checking eggs then sitting back down i thing any day now they will hatch. 1 question will they hatch anytime of the day ? thanks jo
I think I just saw a glimpse of the first baby! Saw what looks like half an egg at the back of the scrape and then a small bundle of white fluff under mum when she moved. Looking very proud she is too! Nick C
i saw the chick, it is very cute and small
i love this webcam and think that it is a great way to show the peregrines
Dennis,local lad.
Picture on fliker. Is this the same bird Craig saw a few days ago. Doesn't look like one of ours?
What do you think?
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