Sunday, 2 January 2022

HNY to our peregrine pair & blog followers

As the new year dawns, our peregrines will be beginning to sense the oncoming breeding season and, should the mild weather continue, it might be worth checking the webcams for any signs of display.
Let us know if you see any!

Derby Cathedral as seen from the old Assembly Rooms car park

Meanwhile, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, which manages this project, is advertising for a one year Engagement Trainee post to help with this project but mainly to try to protect peregrine nest sites elsewhere in the county, for example, nests in disused quarries which are very vulnerable to the theft of eggs and especially chicks for sale to the lucrative Middle East market.

To find out more see:

The Project Team

1 comment:

KATE said...

Been active on the scrape throughout the day,and just snapped a snippet of them BOTH.
all promising signs Yay!!!