Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Clean up day

Today (28th) Nick Moyes abseiled down to clean the nest platform, add new gravel and clean and reposition the cameras and to Nick Evans who assisted. A BIG THANKS to them both.
Wendy Bartter's much speeded up video shows Nick M cleaning the gravel and cameras. It actually took him 45 minutes!

Nick Evans built the first platform and when it eventually showed signs of rot, he kindly build us a second one, the one which is in place now.

Nick Moyes has worked voluntarily on this project since 2005, setting up the web cams and their connectivity to the web. The project wouldn't exist without him nor would it have lasted so long.

Nick Moyes and Nick Evans, during a previous abseil

Here's Wendy Bartter's very speeded up video showing Nick M at work on the platform/scrape. What took 45 minutes now takes only a few!

Now we hope to see plenty of mutual display between the male and female peregrines as we approach egg laying.

The Project Team

This project is managed by Derbyshire Wildlife Trust in conjunction and with the excellent support of Derby
Cathedral, Derby City Council's IT team and Cathedral Quarter.

Saturday, 17 February 2024

New photos of our birds, that old egg and two talks on peregrines

Last week, regular photographer Dave Farmer took some excellent photos of the falcons from the ground and they are well worth sharing:

The female on the platform edge. Dave Farmer

'She who conquers'. Photo: Dave Farmer

The male keeps a watchful eye. Photo Dave Farmer

And just to be clear: the egg you can see on the webcams is an addled egg from last year and not a new 2024 egg. We hope to remove it and clean up the platform before any eggs are laid this spring.

Wendy Bartter is putting almost daily videos of the birds on YouTube and the links to them are in the comments to each blog post.
Find those she has made in the last few weeks in comments to the previous blog post entry by scrolling down and new videos in comments to this post.
Coming up are two talks by the authors of a new book on The Peregrine Falcon, Richard Sale & Steve Watson. One is in Buxton on 9th March and the other in Derby on 22nd March
For details see: Meetings and Trips ( .

The Project Team