Important News on Watchpoint Cancellation - see end of this post.
We didn't have time to post these superb shots by Andy Byron earlier...so here they are now. They were taken on Wednesday the day the second juv fledged. The falcon was flying round the tower top trying to encourage the first juv to fledge to fly from
We didn't have time to post these superb shots by Andy Byron earlier...so here they are now. They were taken on Wednesday the day the second juv fledged. The falcon was flying round the tower top trying to encourage the first juv to fledge to fly from
Thanks Andy!
We hope to make prints of some photos by Andy and Colin among others to sell for our funds - more news about this in about a week's time we hope...
So keep visiting this blog and the web cams since you may well see the birds again when they decide to spend more time back at the cathedral. We will continue to update the blog whenever we can and whenever we have news of the youngsters.
So keep visiting this blog and the web cams since you may well see the birds again when they decide to spend more time back at the cathedral. We will continue to update the blog whenever we can and whenever we have news of the youngsters.
Watchpoint Report for Saturday 19 June.
As Nick has already posted on the blog, we located an adult (probably the falcon) and both juveniles on the Police radio mast at St. Mary's Wharf on our way into town before 9 o'clock. However, by the time we'd set up the watchpoint there were no peregrines to be seen. Our hopes were raised a few minutes later when 2 of the birds landed on the Cathedral but before we got a telescope set up on them, they had gone again. This became the order of the day, one bird or another being seen for a short while before disappearing again. The tiercel put in a long stint sat on Jury's Inn around the middle of our session and we frequently saw adults and juveniles on the radio mast but usually just one at a time.
Finally, we agreed that things weren't likely to improve much and closed the watchpoint at 1.30 (probably the earliest yet!) and went our various ways. Then, just as Chris and I were getting back to our car, the falcon and one of the juveniles appeared circling around the Cathedral tower for a couple of minutes. The female landed on a favourite perch just along from "pudding cam" but the juvenile drifted off in the direction of the Market Place and was lost from sight.
Andy, Chris, Celia & Helen
The Team
Watchpoint Cancellation
Because there is so little activity in the immediate vicinity of the Cathedral, we have agreed that we will not be running any more Watchpoints this season on Derby's Cathedral Green. Although the birds are still active, they do seem to have moved away much faster this year, gravitating towards the tall aerial masts of Derby's Police Headquarters at St Mary's Wharf near Chester Green. Don't let that stop you coming down to the Cathedral to look for yourself, but just don't expect the Trusts's scopes to be there.
On behalf of the Team, and indeed everyone who reads this blog, I would like to thank all of the fantastic volunteers from the Wildlife Trust who have given their time this to "man" the 'scopes during 2010. You really have help give that real dimension to this project - that of seeing wildlife in its natural environment, and have introduced it to many visitors to and residents of our city of Derby.
Many thanks, too, to those who helped in other ways or made donations to the Derby Cathedral Peregrine Project. It's not too late to donate if you want to ensure our webcams and project continue running next season, or you may decide you'd like to join Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and support its numerous other conservation causes across our beautiful county.
Nick M.
Derby Museum & Art Gallery
Watchpoint Cancellation
Because there is so little activity in the immediate vicinity of the Cathedral, we have agreed that we will not be running any more Watchpoints this season on Derby's Cathedral Green. Although the birds are still active, they do seem to have moved away much faster this year, gravitating towards the tall aerial masts of Derby's Police Headquarters at St Mary's Wharf near Chester Green. Don't let that stop you coming down to the Cathedral to look for yourself, but just don't expect the Trusts's scopes to be there.
On behalf of the Team, and indeed everyone who reads this blog, I would like to thank all of the fantastic volunteers from the Wildlife Trust who have given their time this to "man" the 'scopes during 2010. You really have help give that real dimension to this project - that of seeing wildlife in its natural environment, and have introduced it to many visitors to and residents of our city of Derby.
Many thanks, too, to those who helped in other ways or made donations to the Derby Cathedral Peregrine Project. It's not too late to donate if you want to ensure our webcams and project continue running next season, or you may decide you'd like to join Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and support its numerous other conservation causes across our beautiful county.
Nick M.
Derby Museum & Art Gallery
Super photos.
10.08 one on the scrape and one on the tower cam, can't make out which they are.
One bird on tower and one on nest platform, difficult to see if they are adult or juvenille.
Its 22.40 and there is a bird on the scrape if that is what you call the area where the eggs were before hatching. As its dark one can't see any detail so one can't tell if its young or adult. Anyway it is interesting to see. Anon
Stunning photos. Thanks.
When I see photos like this, it brings back into focus what incredibly beautiful creatures we have been watching these last few weeks.
Watching the webcams, incredibly enlightening as they are, they can't show us the detail that these pictures do. I'm yet to witness with my own eyes a peregrine falcon in flight, but that may be down to my own lack of knowledge or poor observance! I have been gobsmacked on several occasions to see Red Kites soaring about; another bird which is so beautiful to see at first hand.
For those of us unable to visit Derby right now, Andy's photos are invaluable as an insight into what we have been following. Truly magnificent. And to think that we very nearly wiped them out a few years ago is equally appalling.
good work to all involved. i am hooked, have been watching every day since they hatched and will be sad to say will miss watching there every day progress
Watchpoint Report for Saturday 19 June.
As Nick has already posted on the blog, we located an adult (probably the falcon) and both juveniles on the Police radio mast at St. Mary's Wharf on our way into town before 9 o'clock. However, by the time we'd set up the watchpoint there were no peregrines to be seen. Our hopes were raised a few minutes later when 2 of the birds landed on the Cathedral but before we got a telescope set up on them, they had gone again.
This became the order of the day, one bird or another being seen for a short while before disappearing again. The tiercel put in a long stint sat on Jury's Inn around the middle of our session and we frequently saw adults and juveniles on the radio mast but usually just one at a time.
Finally, we agreed that things weren't likely to improve much and closed the watchpoint at 1.30 (probably the earliest yet!) and went our various ways. Then, just as Chris and I were getting back to our car, the falcon and one of the juveniles appeared circling around the Cathedral tower for a couple of minutes. The female landed on a favourite perch just along from "pudding cam" but the juvenile drifted off in the direction of the Market Place and was lost from sight.
Andy, Chris, Celia & Helen
Morning all
12.50 and I see the tiercel(I think it is) on the scrape. Hanging about in the shade I think.
There's been a peregrine (adult I think) perched on the nestbox ledge lhsfor about 10 mins. It had a brief forage in the scrape.
Just watched both adults on the nest platform. The tiercel seemed to be montionless for a few minutes with his head bent down low. As the falcon moved over to the right hand side of the platform towards him she also seemed to have her head down. Surprisingly it looked very much like a courtship display(?) ... unless he was just playing it safe and being submissive!!
18.23 There is a peregrine perched on the ledge of the nest an adult I think Anon
10.35p.m. just looked before going to bed and can just make out a peregrin on the high cam, its eyes keep catching the light as it turns its head.
I think there are 2 peregines on the stonework on the tower cam, I can see movement behind the foreground one. Maybe these are the 2 juvies as the adults don't often stay on that part of the stonework.
07.10 I think that's a Peregrine sitting on the wall of camera 2 below the box. Can't tell if it's an adult or Juv.
? juvenille on the tower.
Wow, those new photos are Awesome! This is my first year watching and I still find it hard to believe these are the same little bundles of fluf from such a short time ago :)
At 12.40 there is an adult I think getting close up and personal (!) with the rhs camera and doing a good job on preening. Anon
17:50 They've not been there long (just stepped away from monitor and they appeared when I came back) but there are two peregrines in the nest box, not sure what they're doing. Both sort of bowed down on oposite sides of the box.
Can't see the breast feathers, I presume one is the Tiercel (very sure, lovely white neck and gray chest) and the other a juv.
17.54 Juv has fledged again leaving the Tiercel to look around.
17:56 Upon inspecting the scrape for goodness-knows-what the Tiercel has also flown off.
Up to 17.58 I have been entertained by the sight of two peregrines on the nest - one at either end - one of them was certainly feeding but it was a bit difficult to see what the other one was doing. When the one that had been feeding flew off the other one flew to that side of the nest and looked as though it was looking for leftovers. Anon
One peregrine on the tower, another on the nestbox ledge rhs. I think they're both adults.
Off-topic but incredible: the female osprey at Loch of the Lowes, which has been close to death for two days, seems to be pulling through! She managed to fly down to the loch for a drink, flew back, and took a little food tonight while helping her chicks to feed. Amazing!
I can't believe that after all the chicks have put us (and their parents!) through this year, that they have deserted us to go and flirt with the men in blue ... floozies!
There was a pigeon on the tower ledge near the cam about 5 minutes ago. Dicing with death1
18.10 Tiercel, I think it is, is hanging around the Tower.
18.20 Tiercel has been hanging around the nest box, not sure what he's up to.
18.28 Both Tiercel and Falcon are in the nest box on opposite sides. Both (again - as in I'm not sure if it was these two doing it the other day) bowed down facing eachother. A standoff?
Falcon is paying a lot of attention to the scrape...
Do you think the Peregrines are thinking of having a second brood or is there another reason for them to keep their distance and admire the scrape?
Seems unlikely with 2 Juvs to teach and feed. But they are both healthy strong birds and there doesn't seem to have been trouble with food.
18.34 Falcon has flown off. Tiercel has walked over to the scrape and is loooking around again.
18.36 The Tiercel has flown.
While the Boise, Idaho site is no comparison to this website, they do offer sound and live streaming video of four young falcons. They were banded on June 15, three males and one female. One in particular is already starting to spread its wings quite aggressively.
The team and photographers did an excellent job in Derby. Thank you again for making this available to the entire world!
09.00 Just come back from getting food to find two peregrines on camera. Falcon on the nest box edge and another on the tower, perhaps Tiercel. Wonder where the Juvs are.
Quite agree Pam they are floozies lol.... Just been on the osprey site and things look good I do hope she sees them fledge. Mr P on the nest (I think) and Mrs P on the tower (again I think) 9.40pm Nite Nite xxx
One peregrine on the nestbox ledge, rhs, looking out.
At 23.10 there is one peregrine sitting on the ledge of the nest on lhcam. Anon
Adult on nest-box 23:50
07:09 Both Falcon and Tiercel are in the nest box again, just got in. And again are on opposite sides, female on the scrape; Tiercel in the far corner against the wall. Bowed down.
No Juv in sight.
Would really appreciate a reply to what they're doing. The Tiercel certainly looks like he has the submissive role bowing down low anbd backed right off keeping out of the bosses way.
07.12 Falcon has flown off. Tiercel has a quick look around.
07.15 The Tiercel is looking over the edge, is he going? staying? can he decide before I go to work?
07.26 He finally decided to fly off.
08.18am One peregrine on the tower and it looks to me like an adult!Anyone seen the youngsters recently? How are they doing? Anon
10.44am There are two peregrines on view now on the lhcam but I can't see if they are adults or juniors. Anyway nice to see them! Anon
Just seen a fantastic site whilst at home in Chester Green, what I assume to be one of the adult peregrines with 'lunch' (looked like some sort of bird, bit smaller than a pigeon I'd guess) calling to one of the other peregrines which came over and took it in the air, virtually turning upside down to do so. VERY impressive thing to see when you are doing the washing up!!!! Have seen and heard the peregrines quite a bit round here these last few days - lucky me!!!
The displays being seen between the two adults on the nest ledge at the moment sound identical to those seen during courtship. ie head down, submissive posture, no movement and possibly some "ee-chupping" calls.
It is far too late in the season for them to consider another brood. What I suspect we're seeing is a re-establishment of the bonds the adults have - not only with one another, but also with their nest site. (It something many humans do when the kids have finally left home, I'm told!)
Don't be surprised if you see nest scraping from time to time, too. We've seen scraping activity by the male in October and November- all part, no doubt, of their pre-programmed instincts to assert their ownership of their favoured nesting spot.
@PM ty for the reply, I thought it would be too late in the season for another brood but never thought they could be redoing their vows.
Will there be the passing of food while in flight? and can someone snap it/film it, well worth watching I thinks?
@ PM (D.M.)
Many thanks for those fascinating insights into peregrine behaviour. These amazing birds deserve all the protection we can give them, & it's a privilege to be allowed to watch them. I do hope the two juveniles will grow up to be as successful as this pair.
09.22 Two peregrines in view one on the nest - an adult I think - and one on the tower but can't see if its an adult or junior. They were there for several minutes and it is lovely to see them. Anon
Hi All,
Andy, Christine and myself went out last night on a peregrine hunt!! We found the male and both juvenilles on the police mast. the youngsters were very active exercising their wings calling etc. Dad flew off and mum arrived (from the same direction) a few seconds later carrying a medium sized prey item. one of the young flew out to greet her but showed no interest in the food. The other called a little but did go for the food leading us to assume neither were hungrey. All seemed well when we left
Chris M
15.17 Was watching the Falcon up on the tower earlier, then she moved to the nest box ledge and now she's sitting on the scrape. Sitting as though she would on a egg.
She's moved to show that there is no egg, as you'd expect. Still unexpected to see her sitting there.
15.19 She's back to standing on the box ledge.
15.27 The Falcon is back on the tower.
15.29 Nevermind, she's gone.
15.30 She's back, with company, the Tiercel I think, and she's gone again.
15.31 He's gone too. Reminds me of that little nursery rhyme, two little dicky birds.
15.34 One of them turns up out of nowhere right in front of the camera... big face.
15.58 Another one has turned up on the tower, further back. Think it's the Tiercel up close and Falcon at the back.
Falcon is clearly unimpressed by the Tiercel's showing off to the camera that she's going to ignore him and have a preen.
15.55 Falcon has moved down to the nest box again. And gone.
both of the parents are around the scrape just sitting there soaking up the evening sun no sign of the juves
Looks like a juve on the tower and dad? on the nest platform.
18:38 She's back on the scrape.
18.45 Noticed the Tiercel is back on the tower. No idea how long he's been there.
@ Chris M.
Thanks for news of the peregrines last night. It's reassuring to know they're still together & that the parents continue to attend to them.
One peregrine on the nestbox ledge, where it looks like there's the remains of a meal, and another on the tower. They both seem to be adults. Nice sunset in Deby!
Amazing - they're still exactly where they were when I last posted. Like statues!
The falcon (I think) was just in the scrape, exactly where she laid the eggs, squatting down then inspecting the surround. Now she's on the ledge, and the tiercel's on the tower.
There's still aperegrine on the nestbox ledge lhs, & (s)he is attending to his/her foot - a nice pedicure, Im envious!
I've just spotted another on the tower (because of the white bits), it's fairly obscured in the dusky half-light.
mum& dad have been sitting at the scrape for at least 6 hours now. still; where abouts are the two kids? not seen them today, hope all is well for them. I think me and rob will go into town 1st thing tomorrow and try find them. so if any body spots them please let us all know so we can keep peace at mind. and thank you for all of your where abouts;-}
8.24am adult o tower cam
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