Looks a bit maleish to me but comments welcome about its age and sex.......
The second photo (below) shows the North side of the mill where the bird was yesterday. It was up at the top right corner, perched on stonework at the very top righthand window. Hardly a
Nick B
(New visitors to this blog may wish to read an overview of the peregrine project, or add their names to our mailing list.)
Just got back to Derby from Belper having been lucky enough to see the young Peregrine up on the mill. Having had a chat with Nick B whislt there we were trying to work out if it was one of the young from Derby from the last few years,but we were struggling to get a view of the youngters leg although it did have a scratch with its left leg, and there was no red ring(checked back to last years photos to find out on what leg the red ring was on). So this would rule it out from being one of last years young,but who knows it could be from 2006! im also with Nick i think it looks abit maleish. Andy Simpson
Thanks for the photos!
I see the new camera is working. However, you can only see on the left-hand side of the nest with one of the original cameras.
Is this a permanent thing, or will there be the original two cameras plus the new one?
I personally hope we will be able to see through three.
Falcon on the left hand camera, pudding cam on the right?
Here's what Nick just sent out to the peregrine email list (directions for how to subscribe on the bog somewhere.):
"A new camera was installed today on top of the tower of Derby Cathedral. It will be under test during the following week, so its picture will replace that from the right hand side of our nest ledge. We hope we may see some roosting and feeding activity, even at night. It is infra-red enabled and we’re looking forward to seeing how this works when it gets dark here in the UK in an hour’s time. We may also see some of the recent raven activity, though this has mostly been on a different side of the 450 year old tower.
The main “nest scrape” pictures will still be viewable during this period. We recently increased the refresh rate of our web cam pictures, though lack of funds prevents us from being able to bring a full audio/video feed at this time."
Subscribing 'on the bog somewhere' sounds entertaining Karen!
Nice typo!
Nick B
pax B.C. 9.35am
Falcon on the nest, love the view from the pudding (yorkshire) :) cam
so nice to see the falcons back.
I've always wanted to see a bog :-)
Yes, pax, very pretty view from the pudding cam, what is that string of lights?
Seeing another photo of the bird which shows its right leg, it seems the bird has NO rings on either leg so therefore can't be a Cathedral youngster and must be from somewhere else.
Opinions as to its sex differ a bit but at least people agree that it seems to be a second year bird (ie was fledged in 2006).
It was on the North side when I left the office at 5.45pm, Wednesday, probably intending to roost there,
Nick B
Pax B.C. 3.26pm
falcon seen on the pudding cam.
Karen I wondered if the string of lights was a bridge??
Hi Karen Ann: re. the lights you see at night on pudcam, the view looks north over suburbs of the city so the lights are street and buildings lights mainly. The white block of flats in the foreground also shows up. In 2006 the juveniles perched on the top of those flats but only briefly....they are much lower than the cathedral tower and the police HQ aerial which is another favoured perching spot.
Nick B
The new cam offers spectacular images! Thank you so much.
The peregrine of East Mill seems to me to be a 2-3 year young female. She´s amazingly beautiful!
There's a very feathers fluffed out peregrine on the pudding cam, must be windy up there.
The lights were mostly in a line, that's why Pax was thinking about a bridge, I think.
It's good to see the peregrines back on the webcams again. What a surprise to see the pudding cam working this morning and a very windswept looking peregrine on the ledge. Can't wait to see more pictures. It's good news to hear that a peregrine has been seen on East Mill. Do you know if it was looking for a nest site? Or is it too young to be nesting and having its own young. Does it even have a mate? I must stop off and look next time I'm passing the Mill. Look forward to hearing more news of this youngster. Are the ravens still around? A pity they can't get on with the peregrines, rather than stealing their food! Pam - Derby
Hi all,
love the pudding cam, looking forward to a bigger picture in a window of it's own sometime in the future.
I suppose everybody knows this already, but there's a great article on Peregrines (including some quotes/pics from the Derby team) in this months "BIRD WATCHING" magazine. Available in Tescos (and other outlets) nationwide.
5.15 pm and a bird on each web-cam. Must admit it came as a shock to see the new web-cam showing "teatime" really close, but fascinating all the same.
Pax B.C. 9.48am
One falcon on the gravel, another just below on the ledge
Great shot of female eating something on pud cam about an hour ago. Nick M is experimenting with different views...he'll explain shortly.
Ravens not been seen at cathedral since Monday I think.
East Mill youngster probably roosted on the mill on Wednesday night but hasn't been seen today as far as I know. It has no mate and won't breed this year for sure.
Nick B
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