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Sunday, 2 June 2019

First view of a chick

This photo was taken by Antony Pooles, a Watch Point volunteer, at the WP event on Saturday 1st June.
It is the first 'real' view of a chick this year so a big thanks to Antony for capturing it.

Parental pride......Antony Pooles
When we looked at the monitor in the tower the other day unfortunately the chicks were all out of view on the right hand side of the nest platform....the very side that the only working camera can't see!
We'll try again this week and hope to confirm how many chicks we have...…

Meanwhile the next Watch Points are on Wednesday 5th and Saturday 8th, weather permitting.

Antony's report of the Watch Point on Saturday (1st) read:

Over 120 people attended today's watch point in what was (eventually) warm sunshine.. The chicks were fed twice in quick succession early on, first by the female and then by the male and both adults were around for much of the watch point frequently flying between the tower and the Jurys Inn to the delight of visitor and volunteer alike. We also got our first decent look at one of the youngsters as it sat next to 'Dad' for an hour or so with its head clearly showing over the edge of the platform.

The project team


  1. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing !

  2. Love seeing the little chick peeking over the edge. Thanks so much for the picture.

  3. Fantastic photo! Thanks for sharing with us
