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Saturday, 7 July 2018

Final Watch Point and a further request for donations

The final Watch Point of 2018 took place today (7th July) and a big thanks to volunteers Jane, Paul and Helen, helped for a time by Dave.
And thanks also to all the other volunteers who have helped throughout the Watch Point've done a splendid job!

During most of the Watch Point only one adult was visible, and she was partly obscured too!
With so little to see, the volunteers struggled to attract interest and numbers visiting were low but they did include people from three cathedral tower tours by arrangement. Normally, the tours go to the top of the tower to see the view but with recently fledged young usually up there, a deal was struck such that they didn't go to the very top but came and had a look at the peregrines from Cathedral Green instead.
Fortunately at the end, both remaining juveniles were seen and looked in good shape.

Donations to the Project
We are still seeking donations to keep the project afloat so if you've enjoyed watching the birds over this season but haven't made a contribution yet, do please consider doing so.
The donations tab on this blog explains the various ways you can donate.
If you are sending a cheque please be sure to make it payable to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and not to the project itself which has no bank account.
We mention this because some kind person in Telford has delivered a cheque for £20 payable to the project but not given us an address so we can't get back to them to ask for another.
If the donor should read this please will you either email us at so we can sort it out...or just send another cheque to the DWT Office clearly marked 'for the peregrines' on the envelope and explaining the situation. We will be happy to return the original cheque which we are unable to cash. Thank you.

The Project Team


  1. Nice to see MrsP on left side of scrape surveying her kingdom before the start of another hot day. Must be quite a challenge keeping the juveniles fed in this heat when probably all the parents want to do is keep in the shade.

    Sorry the watch point didn't have much success in the way of visitors. Wonder if The Team has any news regarding the unhatched egg sent for analysis. Have enquired before, sorry to labour the point, just curious - wonder if Nottingham also have their results yet?

  2. Bonus views of Mum & Dad watching out for little ones maybe?

  3. Pleased to see they have been spotted. Thanks for the updates.

  4. There again now ...

  5. She's flown but see another on moulding ...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. MrsP on scrape possibly enjoying cooler temperatures and maybe rain which we're experiencing at present in Bakewell.

  8. Lovely to see MrsDP on the scrape.

  9. The project team14 July 2018 at 21:07

    Hi Heather: no word on the egg and may be months before we hear anything. We'll post on this blog as soon as we do though.
    Nick B

  10. Good to see the adult female on the platform this evening, with the male (or possibly a juvenile) sitting on the stonework below.

  11. Lovely to see Mrs DP so relaxed ...

  12. Mr/Mrs/Juvie? on l.h.s of scrape enjoying early morning before the heat of the day sets in.

    Thanks Project Team for heads up on "the egg"!

  13. Both adult birds visible on webcam page 2 this evening. One preening on the platform, whilst the other bird is sitting on the stonework below.

  14. Good to catch up with our lovely bird this evening ...

  15. No one on the scrape right now. I haven't checked in for awhile. I hope all is well with the 3 chicks now grown to almost adulthood.

  16. A single adult peregrine was sitting on top of one of the cameras this afternoon despite the anti-perch spikes! No sign of the other adult or any of the juveniles unfortunately.

  17. Missed that Helen but did see Mrs DP on scrape a bit earlier ...

  18. and Mrs DP on scrape at moment( pics on Flickr)

  19. Peace is shattered by quick juvie visit this afternoon ...

  20. Mrs DP been there for hours now ... good views!

  21. Thanks Wendy that's great. Really pleased to see at least one juvenile is still around.

  22. Just missed seeing Mrs DP with a meal ...

  23. Unusual view of juvie feather pattern on scrape right now ...

  24. Moved along a bit to give us better view ...

  25. Mr and Mrs P up there now one at either end and part of a prey. I miss the little ones already.

  26. Juvenile has been coming and going today. It spent quite a bit of time on the platform during the early afternoon after taking some prey from the female and feeding well. It was back again later in the afternoon, alongside the parent bird. Very vocal, and looking fit and well.

  27. Thanks all for updates.. appreciated

  28. Thanks Helen & Vicky, saw the large chunk of prey but missed them feeding ... Have just been watching Mrs DP preening on scrape ledge ...

  29. Mrs DP being awkward with that prey ...

  30. Mrs DP being awkward with that prey ...

  31. Unable to ascertain whether it's a juvie or not but lovely to see a peregrine on scrape after a few unsuccessful attempts to catch sight of one. Wonder if the two female juvies are still hanging around? Thanks to Wendy and Helen for updates.

  32. Unable to ascertain whether it's a juvie or not but lovely to see a peregrine on scrape after a few unsuccessful attempts to catch sight of one. Wonder if the two female juvies are still hanging around? Thanks to Wendy and Helen for updates.

  33. Test comment.
    The project team

  34. Testing ... Mrs DP currently on scrape ledge ... blurry on one cam, headless on another & just a beak view on third ... please shifty up a bit!

  35. Sorry, Wendy. You may have had difficulty posting comments as we have a permanent setting of 'moderation required' for all comments to posts that are over 60 days old, and this had just run out. It's purpose is purely to prevent bots from posting ad/virus-laden spam links to our old blog posts. I've now extended that setting. Whilst we do put full moderation on all post comments from time to time - sometimes quite randomly - this isn't currently in effect. Sorry you've had problems. Please post to the latest blog entry above, dated 11 September.
