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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Peregrine Special Event this Monday (plus Updates)

Update Monday 8am: despite the rain, the event below will still take place so do come along - when did a bit of rain deter us Brits?
On this Monday, the Bank Holiday (30th), Tony Grantham, Head Verger and great supporter of the project, has organised a special peregrine day at the cathedral. It will include cathedral tower tours (£5 adults, £2,50 children, first come , first served, first one 10.15, last one 3.15pm), games and quizzes for children, a display on bell ringing and on the peregrines and a Watch Point too.

Colin Pass's photo show's Cathy in late 2009

A star appearance from 'Cathy', the injured peregrine from 2009, will be a great attraction in the morning. Colin Pass, who looks after her, has kindly agreed to bring her down between 11 am and 1 pm. - probably as long as we should subject the poor bird to close scrutiny!

Bank Holidays are rather busy in the countryside - but quiet in Derby - so do come down and meet Cathy and our volunteers if you can drag yourselves away from your computers!

Report from the Peregrine Watch Friday 27th May
Four of us were there to set up but we had to abandon the banner as it was way too windy!. We weighed everything down on the information table, and got the telescopes set up.The female was on the nest ledge for quite a while, but not many people came by for the first half hour.Then suddenly, lots of people started to come to look. We were treated to several 'fly-past' displays from both the male and the female and we were able to spot them in the telescopes when they landed on various parts of the cathedral, so our interested public were able to see them at close quarters. More than 35 people came to visit during the sesssion, some local, but some from much further afield too. One young lad came because his teacher had been telling their class about the peregrines. He was very knowledgeable, spotting the male in flight before we did!!Although it was windy and a bit cold, it was well worth being there. Joyce Sawford, Jane Whitaker, Margaret Keep, DWT WP volunteers.

Saturday 28th's Watch Point: very windy again but at least it was dry. Lots of people coming to see the (plastic) duck race on the river. Some diverted to see the peregrines. Took over £30 in donations and sold a DVD! We hope to see many of you on Monday - Cathy's presence should be a big draw!

Note that the regular Watch Points started on May 25th on Cathedral Green and if you scroll down one post you'll find the details of when they are happening (basically every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 11am to 1.30pm).

Nick Brown (DWT)


  1. Thanks Nick for all the information.

    Our peregrins are growing fast but take a look at the ones at Nottingham. They are beginning to get their adult feathers.

    Hope to get down to Cathedral Green on one of the days?

  2. Thank you for the update, but I may have to pass. Buses are a pain on work days, Bank Holidays will be worse.

    09.18 Falcon looks over her shoulder and then shortly takes flight.

    09.20 Falcon is back with food. Chicks all perk up.

  3. 11.29 Just noticed in the background of the tower cam that there is a lot of smoke rising in the background. Is there a fire somewhere?

  4. @ Nick.
    Hello team and everyone, Following as best I can but time is limited. I am coming to England in Oct I have a flight booked. Hope to finally get to meet more of the team. I am going to be there for 2 weeks this time. Nick would you please ask Colin if he received my e-mail sent last week? Not sure if he still has the same address. Would love to see him again when I am in Derby. Take care everyone and thanks for such a great job. The babies are growing so big already.
    Best wishes Ann

  5. Thanks for the info, that's good news to see Cathy she will be in full adult feather by now won't she?

    I will try to be there on Monday.

    The chicks are growing so quickly and they all look really well, its going to be a good year for them I think.

  6. Nick Brown (DWT)28 May 2011 at 18:42

    Don't worry, the parents are there for sure.
    Nick B (DWT)

  7. Hoping to come down on Monday and do the tower tour! Will be great to see Cathy.

  8. Logged in yet again and no parent birds?

  9. I've just seen all 4 chicks and the male peregrine

  10. 5.30p.m. feel happier just watched adult bird fly in with a large bird, other adult high up.

  11. Suppers has arrived and is being prepared up on the ledge

  12. Dear team
    I'm with you in spirit from Buckinghamshire but can't make the long car journey there so soon after a fairly large piece of surgery - my most adventurous outing after one week was a two mile trip up the road to Tescos, Aylesbury. My brother is trying to get up for the event from High Wycombe on my behalf. I would so have liked to come to see again the resident birds at Derby, the lovely cathedral, everyone involved with the project and particularly Colin Pass and Cathy. Please make sure my name goes into the visitors book as an unwillingly absent friend!
    Sue Hetherington
    Aylesbury, Bucks

  13. Mo and Pete Cole30 May 2011 at 14:52

    Hi.....What terrible weather (typical bank holiday weather) but seeing Cathy made it all worth while...Colin is doing sterling job (think I am jealous)...She is such a beautiful bird and credit to him. Well done to everyone down on the green...x

  14. The little ones seem to be left a lot on their own these days. Can't remember this happening in previous years!

  15. @ Sue in Bucks
    Just to let you know that your brother arrived safely, and did a sterling job on your behalf. He made himself known to the Peregrine Project team, and signed the visitors' book too.
    Joyce xx

  16. Great stuff! Watched chicks going but missed them coming back and parent watching over them by 7.20. Hope they are OK now.

  17. How exciting to see our babies "lifted" out of their home for ringing - but they are in a new part of the scrape now. will get to one of the special days.

  18. 23.37 One of the chicks is standing on the nest ledge looking down on the street below; I am telling it to 'be careful, chick'.
