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Sunday, 28 October 2007

Windy Morning

This morning, a blustery SW wind was certainly almost blowing the flag on the tower top off its pole! Both peregrines were on the east side, sheltering. the male was tucked in by the lead gutter, the female, initially on the platform, had moved up to sit on the same ledge as the male but half way along when I returned to look at them with the telescope.

The photo shows a fieldfare in this lead gutter which the birds use as a 'fridge'. Fieldfares don't breed in the UK but come here from Scandinavia and East Europe in the winter. The lower photo shows a close up of the bird. The photos were taken last February on the day the cameras were fixed...there's been a lot of water under the bridge (or should that be fieldfares in the gutter?) since then of course!



  1. Bc Canada 12.20am
    Falcon on nest, having breakfast

  2. facinating info and pictures sad as they may seem. Nature is definetely a very interesting thing

  3. BC Canada 11.44am flacon on right edge of nest

  4. BC Canada 12.12am
    falcon on right ledge of nest
    will miss the cam, but look forward to next spring :-)
