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Thursday, 9 August 2007

Peregrines Down-Under

Click this screen-grab to enlarge picture of an adult bird late at night on the old nest ledgeDerby's peregrine falcons fledged in late June - and you can watch many past video clips by following the "Key Links" on the left side of this page. This screen-grab was taken just after midnight today, following a period of when the adult bird on the platform had been very active, both calling and flying about.

But should you want to become addicted to nesting peregrines all over again, you need to go down to Australia right now, where Frodo and Freda are about to lay an egg on one of the Brisbane's tall city buildings. Here are a couple of recent pictures sent in to them by viewers. The site, known as Frodocam, has cameras that can be panned and tilted - something we'd love to be able to do here one day.


  1. Bird on the nest box, quite active. Mr or Ms Peregrine owl, perhaps.

  2. I'm used to thinking five hours ahead for Derby, now 14 hours ahead for Brisbane, talk about brain warp :-) Maybe I should somehow put little world clocks up at the top of my display...

  3. Karen Anne no trouble with aussie time here, have a clock on aussie time as my daughter is married to an aussie and they live in Sydney :-)
    bird asleep on the nest edge
    Pax Canada 8.21pm

  4. great pics,
    has anyone seen the juv's recently? are they still around? i really want to log on to frodocam, but if i do i know i'll be hooked for another few months - waking every day, turning on the pc and staring at the screen constantly with anticipation (as i have since april with this site)instead of doing my housewife and mother chores.
    my poor family have become pc widows.

  5. 09:01 Is this 'dad' or one of the youngsters 'surveying the horizon' on the right hand camera? Another nice day.
    John A

  6. and he's still there, enjoying the sunshine. Jennie, HK.

  7. 11.37 Big Birdman on the webcam - what's going on?????????

    Anna, Ripley

  8. hi karen anne,
    i think we've missed something , dont you?

  9. Only someone abseiling down the tower - looked like he was cleaning the ledges under the box - gave me a real fright. Can someone out there please tell us what he was doing. You could have warned us!

    Anna, Ripley
