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Thursday, 7 June 2007

Rat Video Now Added

See entry for June 5th to view a recently added video clip of a rat being fed to the chicks.


  1. 07.43 on Friday June 8th. Some prey brought in. Looked to be mammal father than bird.

    Peter Gray

  2. I know it IS going to happen, but it is hard to believe that these creatures, that seem, on the webcam pictures, to lie around around as unidentifiable big dishrag heaps of scruffy feathers, are very soon going to turn into beautiful, elegant falcons. Magic!

  3. Thank you for that report - we'll check the video recordings later today, and report back.

    And yes, it is so hard to believe they will soon be elegant flying creatures. Just look back less than 30 days ago to our video clips on May 17th or May 11th to see how rapidly they have developed.

  4. Peter, I checked the video recordings this morning, but at 7.45 it was clear to me that the pergrines were feeding a small bird to the chicks, not a mammal. Many thanks though.
