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Saturday, 30 June 2007

Answers: Spot The Peregrine

Juvenile 002

How did you get on with our spot-the-bird challenge?

Here are the answers to where the four birds are. Once again, our thanks to local photographer, John Salloway, for his pictures. (Apologies for ther difficulty in laying images and text close together. You can see the original quiz photo here)

Juvenile 001

One juvenile on lower ledge of tower, very close to tree branches.

One juvenile bird on front left edge of nave roof.

Adult male peregrine in alcove

Male - in small alcove right at the top of the bell tower window. What looks like a nest is actually years and years of pigeon poo which has built up into a huge pile.

Adult female peregrine on tower top.

Female on top right "gargoyle"

Having done that, would anyone like to try out a peregrine hat to colour, cut out and wear?
Colour and cut out peregrine hat for the young at heart!
It's still under development, but if you email me at I'll add you to an email list and send you a more detailed pdf file to print onto A3 card than the jpeg you see here.
Or you can print to A4, then photocopy to A3. As a pdf file it's untested, so I'd welcome feedback on how it works out - and you could even email us photos of it being worn around the globe! British Columbia, Hong Kong and Derby - now, that would be good!


  1. Seeing the great picts. of where our peregrines hideout on the cathedral makes one realise what a perfect place it is to set up home. I only got one right by the way, having thought I could see three - must have been pigeons or poo I was looking at.

    Anna, Ripley

  2. A great fun competition - well done John Salloway!

    This morning at 9.30 in steady rain (with no immediate sign of a let up) I could see both adults but only one juv. although I didn't hang around too long to check.

    It was too wet to set up the Watchpoint this morning but if things brighten up we'll give it a go this afternoon.

    Andy & Chris M.

  3. i got all four right but actually i counted five birds in total so the one on the leftside of the picture on the ledge half way down the tower must be a pigeon - i wonder how long it was there before it became lunch!
    hope the weather forecasters are wrong today, derbyshire really does not need anymore rain, i was hoping to come to the cathedral green today with my two year old who wakes up every morning asking to look at the 'chick chicks' on mummys 'tomtuter'

  4. 12.17 and a peregrine is sat on the ledge just below the nestbox, not sure who it is though, he/she has been there for quite a while, and so has the guy with bright white trainers standing on the ground infront of the '9 window house' (as i call it) he's been looking up at the webcam for ages, is he someone you know???

  5. No-opne in shot at 12.30pm local time, but a peregrine is on the ledge below the platform.

    For those who feel they'd like to come to Derby and pose for the cameras, the 9-window house is just to the right of a solicitor's entrance on Amen Alley. The camera looking to the right side of the platform sees a pay-and display ticket machine on Full Street, right next to the Old Silk Mill pub, and opposite the beer garden of the Dolphin Public House.

  6. I managed to spot three, what a lovely 'roost' is for these magnificent birds. Thank you!!

  7. Still a lovely visitor below the nest box.

    I missed the near-the-leaves bird in the quiz. That was a hard one.

    I think I would have missed the one in the window, if I hadn't known that the New York Central Park red tail hawks, Pale Male and Lola, like to perch in a similar spot on a building there, the Beresford, which is an interesting building with lots of decorative work like the cathedral.

  8. I got only 3 correct, I couldn't see the male hiding in the window. Great game, enjoyed very much! Jennie, Hong Kong.

  9. we plead not guilty to the man with bright white trainers looking at the camera. may be though we have started a craze!!
