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Sunday, 13 May 2007

Sunday preyers

While we wait to see if the last two eggs might hatch, the study of the amazing range of prey that these birds are taking continues.
Around the cathedral this morning were some teal feathers and also the rather soggy remains of a black headed gull. While these species have been recorded as prey here at Derby before, a feather from a robin found recently was an additional species to add to the lengthening list we already have.
While at the cathedral, it was good to see swifts back in town, screaming overhead early this morning. Last year we found swift feathers beneath the tower and we know from other urban peregrine nest sites that these fast fliers are not fast enough to evade the talons of peregrines.
The male bird was dozing on the edge of the platform and he was still there when I returned home and turned on my computer, so it may occasionally be worth switching to see the view from the other camera when the brooding bird seems settled and inactive.


  1. Hello from New Jersey, USA.

    Congratulations on your new babies, Derby! I've been following this for a few weeks and was thrilled to see the two chicks. It is great having a front row seat to watch this spectacular species and this wonderful family. Thank you.


  2. I would like to suggest that we name our birds as they have in america. I would like to propose STORM for the male and JET for the female. what do you think? samantha bull, derby.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks to everyone for your great comments. It's pleasing to know that our birds are being watched from right around the world.
    As for naming the adults, well, we have been considering this. We have to avoid being too anthropomorphic, so any names we did come up with would really have to fit well to such majestic birds. We'll keep you informed of developments on this front.

  5. The body of the bird they were feeding from on the wet Sunday was, I thought, either a Thrush or a Fieldfare. Though to be honest it did look a little small to be the latter. The colouring was however closer to that bird species.

  6. Can we suggest the following names for the chicks
    BERTIE for the Female
    BOBBY for the male
