The three chicks are developing their feathers and losing their white fluff. Before long they will be as big and as heavy as their parents and they will be exercising their wings too!
This video by Wendy Bartter was made on 30th May:
And Dave Farmer took this photo on 27th of one of the chicks looking out on the big wide world beyond its nest:
A chick views the world beyond its nest. Photo: |
BTW, Thursday's webinar was attended by almost 100 people and probably more since several people will have viewed it using one registration.
It seemed to go well and will be available on the wildlife trust's Youtube channel sometime next week.
For those who missed it, a link will appear here on this blog when one is available.
Meanwhile if you have been enjoying watching the web cams this year you might consider supporting the project by making a donation towards its costs?
Apart from 2012-15 when we had a lottery grant, the project has been entirely funded by kind donations from web cam watchers and people visiting the Watch Points (though there won't be any of those this summer due to covid).
Many thanks.