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Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Hen Harrier Day is this Sunday at Carsington Water

Hen harriers, peregrines, goshawks and red kites (among others) are all severely persecuted on our moorlands, eg in the Peak District.
So while our city peregrines are relatively safe, those trying to nest in the uplands are at great risk of being shot or trapped.

Chris Packham holds up a male hen harrier found with its leg in a trap in Scotland.
The bird was so badly injured it had to be put down. Another spring trap was found in the nest...
Hen harriers are the iconic moorland species, nesting on the ground in heather. However they take grouse chicks and are therefore persecuted illegally by the game shooting industry.
Come along to the only Hen Harrier Day this year and find out more about our raptors, the problems they face and indeed how we need to re-wild our degraded uplands.
Speakers include Chris Packham, Iolo Williams, Mark Avery, Tim Birch of DWT and many more - at least 12 speakers with more to be added yet!
There will be family activities so bring a picnic and enjoy an afternoon with friends and like minded people.....we are hoping to get hundreds coming!
For details see: .

The Project Team