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Saturday, 30 July 2016

Peregrines in Peril or in Paradise?

In towns and cities such as Derby, nesting peregrines are more or less safe from they live in a sort of 'paradise'.
Not so elsewhere unfortunately.
If these falcons nest on or near a grouse shooting moor, almost all the predatory birds that venture onto the moor somehow mysteriously 'disappear'.
They are indeed 'Peregrines in Peril'! 
Methods used to remove birds of prey include shooting, trapping, poisoning, robbing the eggs or killing the chicks in the nest.
Peregrine with its leg trapped and broken by a
spring trap set at its nest in the West Midlands.
Photo RSPB
All these acts are illegal but because our moorlands are so remote, wildlife crime generally goes unnoticed and the culprits get off scott free. Even if they are caught, they only get cautions or small fines; only extremely rarely are they sent to prison.
Away from our uplands, pigeon fanciers also take the law into their own hands and quietly get rid of peregrines nesting in the vicinity. Low cliffs and old quarry faces where the falcons tend to nest can easily be scaled and traps set or the nest contents removed - especially under the cover of darkness.
They may also be poisoned.

Derbyshire successes and failures
In Derbyshire this year, initial results from the monitoring of rural peregrine nests has come up with these results:

Of a total of 19 nest sites surveyed:
  • 5 succeeded to rear young but usually less than 4 per nest.
  • 14 failed. These are essentially rural sites with no protection by either cameras or wardens.
    Some of these sites failed twice - ie the birds laid again after losing their first clutch of eggs but the second clutch 'disappeared' too. 
(We am indebted to the Derbyshire Raptor Groups  and the DOS (county bird club) for this information).

Quarry (not in Derbyshire) where peregrines nest
but with no protection......
As we know from Derby, where young have been raised every year since 2006, peregrines make great parents, sitting on their eggs through rain and snow and shielding their chicks from excessive sun (not that we've had much of that this year!).
Such a high 'failure' rate away from towns can only mean one thing - illegal persecution is widespread and commonplace.

Raptor persecution on Derbyshire's moorland.

On the grouse moors, detecting wildlife crime is extremely difficult. It either relies on some walker or bird watcher accidentally stumbling across a carcass or a trap.
In Derbyshire earlier this summer it was a pair of bird watchers who spotted something odd through their telescope on the grouse moor where they were walking. They managed to get a video of an armed man sitting in the heather waiting. Nearby was a model of a male hen harrier which has been placed as if it was perching on the heather, clearly aimed at luring any passing harrier close enough so it could be shot.
Man with gun waiting near (grey) model of male hen harrier
on a Derbyshire moor owned by the National Trust
This happened on National Trust land - land that the Trust had let to a grouse-shooting tenant.
The armed man was too far off to be recognisable and, despite making enquiries, the police did not have sufficient evidence to bring anyone to court. Maybe next time.
To its credit, the National Trust has since terminated the tenant's lease and has said it will advertise for a new tenant next year. There are hopes it will not take on another shooting tenant, but will decide instead to manage the moor for both wildlife and people, restoring what is a damaged, burnt habitat to something much better and richer in wildlife. Fingers crossed!

So, how can we privileged web cam watchers help end end wildlife crime on the moors?
Well, on the week end of 6/7th August, 'Hen Harrier Day' events are being held across the UK.
On Saturday 6th at Rainham Marshes RSPB reserve NE of London, Chris Packham and Mark Avery are the speakers.
Our own Derbyshire Hen Harrier Day event takes place at 11am on Sunday 7th in Edale, with hundreds of people expected to turn up in support. Speakers include representatives of the National Trust, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, the new Police and Crime Commissioner and Natalie Bennett of the Green Party.
For details of all the events (and maybe there's one near you?) go here.
Do please consider turning up at one of them if you possibly can. 
As 'veterans' of the first two Hen Harrier Days, we can assure you there's a great atmosphere and sense of common purpose. See this video made at Hen Harrier Day in 2014 in the pouring rain when an astonishing 570 people turned up in North Derbyshire!

Male hen harrier - what a wonderful bird!
In addition, there is currently a petition calling for the banning of driven grouse shooting. It's an e-petition to the government and requires 100,000 signatures in order for there to be a debate in the House of Commons. So far 67,000 people have signed. Please note however that neither the RSPB or the Wildlife Trusts as yet support this petition or this you will have to make up your own minds about whether to sign or not.
The e-petition is here and for more information about the issues see a video by Chris Packham here and a blog here and another from DWT here explaining its 2015 position.

The Project Team

Moorland Vision website and petition:


Moorland Vision
Hen Harrier Day in the Peak

Monday, 11 July 2016

What now? and further videos from Wendy Bartter

Update July 14th: Wendy Bartter has just sent this video showing three juveniles on the nest platform/scrape yesterday. Thanks again Wendy!
Update 21st July: another video from Wendy, this one taken on 19th July.
Apologies for the double appearance of this blog post. If I try to delete it I will lose all the comments so for now  I'll just leave then both up.
28th July and a further video by Wendy showing the adult male feeding.

What can you watch now that our juveniles are getting less frequently visible from the web cams?
Wimbledon and the football are over what's to do (apart from the dreaded housework)?
Well, as several commentators have mentioned, there are web cams on many other nests of other species - ospreys in particular - for whom the season is not yet over.
The Wildlife Trusts have many web cams on ospreys, puffins, gannets and owls so try the link here to
find links to them all.
Osprey chick at ringing
Photo Roy Dennis
Here in Derby it has been a very successful season with four young fledged, lots of visitors coming to the watch points and over 330,000 hits ot the blog and webcams.
So if you've enjoyed following our birds this summer, please consider sending us a donation.
The donation tab at the top of the blog takes you to a page which explains the various ways you can transfer money to DWT specifically for this project - it's very easy and quick!
(If you have already donated you should have had a personal 'thank you' email but if you haven't by any chance then please contact us at ).
With our peregrines being so safe and well protected here in the city, perhaps we should spend time thinking about those that choose to nest on our moorlands where grouse shooting takes place and where their lives a re constantly in danger from illegal persecution.
You might like to support Hen Harrier Day events which are taking place all over the UK mostly on Sunday August 7th. These are designed to draw attention to the plight of hen harriers and indeed any bird of prey that ventures onto a grouse moor including peregrines, kites, eagles, buzzards etc. Illegal persecution is rife and very few survive to breed.....
The Derbyshire hen harrier day event takes place in the north of the county at Edale....see here with speakers from Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, the Green Party etc. We are expecting hundreds of folk to turn up.
For details of other HHD events (including one with Chris Packham at Rainham Marshes Reserve near London on 6th) see here.
Chris Packham speaking at the first Hen Harrier Day in 2014 held in North Derbyshire
Your local wildlife trust will have a range of wildlife walks and other activities you could attend throughout the summer. Visit the website of your local county trust for details. Those of the Derbyshire Trust can be seen here.
Join up and support us!

To join the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust please go here. To join your local trust elsewhere visit the national website for all the 49 trusts here.
Otherwise, may we dare suggest you try to tear yourselves away from your screens and get outside (if the weather is suitable) and enjoy what wildlife is around you in your garden, local park or nature reserve. There's so much to be seen and enjoyed in summer - flowers, butterflies, dragonflies and much more - so why not get close to nature if you can?
A hobby falcon - painting by Dan Powell
These close relatives of the peregrine breed late and still
have young in the nest......
If you have an inspiring encounter with nature we'd be happy (delighted even) to post it on this blog. Email us at .
While these four young falcons will disperse away from the cathedral in the coming weeks, our adult birds will remain around the cathedral all year, ensuring no other peregrines take over. Unlike almost every other peregrine project, our blog remains open and active (if somewhat less so) through the autumn and winter so do keep commenting and letting us know what you are up to!
With thanks and best wishes to everyone who has been following us this summer.

The Peregrine Project Team

What now? and a further video

Update July 14th: Wendy Bartter has just sent this video showing three juveniles on the nest platform/scrape yesterday. Thanks again Wendy!
Apologies for the couble appearance of this blog post. If I delete one of the two I'll lose all the comments so for now I'll leave both up. The other post has more videos linked to it. NB.
What can you watch now that our juveniles are getting less frequently visible from the web cams?
Wimbledon and the football are over what's to do (apart from the dreaded housework)?
Well, as several commentators have mentioned, there are web cams on many other nests of other species - ospreys in particular - for whom the season is not yet over.
The Wildlife Trusts have many web cams on ospreys, puffins, gannets and owls so try the link here to
find links to them all.
Osprey chick at ringing
Photo Roy Dennis
Here in Derby it has been a very successful season with four young fledged, lots of visitors coming to the watch points and over 330,000 hits ot the blog and webcams.
So if you've enjoyed following our birds this summer, please consider sending us a donation.
The donation tab at the top of the blog takes you to a page which explains the various ways you can transfer money to DWT specifically for this project - it's very easy and quick!
(If you have already donated you should have had a personal 'thank you' email but if you haven't by any chance then please contact us at ).
With our peregrines being so safe and well protected here in the city, perhaps we should spend time thinking about those that choose to nest on our moorlands where grouse shooting takes place and where their lives a re constantly in danger from illegal persecution.
You might like to support Hen Harrier Day events which are taking place all over the UK mostly on Sunday August 7th. These are designed to draw attention to the plight of hen harriers and indeed any bird of prey that ventures onto a grouse moor including peregrines, kites, eagles, buzzards etc. Illegal persecution is rife and very few survive to breed.....
The Derbyshire hen harrier day event takes place in the north of the county at Edale....see here with speakers from Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, the Green Party etc. We are expecting hundreds of folk to turn up.
For details of other HHD events (including one with Chris Packham at Rainham Marshes Reserve near London on 6th) see here.
Chris Packham speaking at the first Hen Harrier Day in 2014 held in North Derbyshire
Your local wildlife trust will have a range of wildlife walks and other activities you could attend throughout the summer. Visit the website of your local county trust for details. Those of the Derbyshire Trust can be seen here.
Join up and support us!

To join the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust please go here. To join your local trust elsewhere visit the national website for all the 49 trusts here.
Otherwise, may we dare suggest you try to tear yourselves away from your screens and get outside (if the weather is suitable) and enjoy what wildlife is around you in your garden, local park or nature reserve. There's so much to be seen and enjoyed in summer - flowers, butterflies, dragonflies and much more - so why not get close to nature if you can?
A hobby falcon - painting by Dan Powell
These close relatives of the peregrine breed late and still
have young in the nest......
If you have an inspiring encounter with nature we'd be happy (delighted even) to post it on this blog. Email us at .
While these four young falcons will disperse away from the cathedral in the coming weeks, our adult birds will remain around the cathedral all year, ensuring no other peregrines take over. Unlike almost every other peregrine project, our blog remains open and active (if somewhat less so) through the autumn and winter so do keep commenting and letting us know what you are up to!
With thanks and best wishes to everyone who has been following us this summer.

The Peregrine Project Team

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Final Watch Points and still plenty to see.....

Update 10th July: the final Watch Point morning started in torrential rain but our determined volunteers hung on and by lunchtime the sun was out. Jane Tagg, one of our trusty volunteer band reported that the birds were indeed on show and that the juveniles were very noisy. The watch point continued until about 2.30 pm. Huge thanks to Jane, Antony, Sue, Helen and Mark for their dedication to the cause.

Update 7th July: at least two juveniles have been seen from the web cams in recent days. Wendy Bartter has sent this video taken yesterday. The final Watch Point is THIS SATURDAY (9th).
With luck there should be some excellent action to be seen.

The Watch Point on 2nd July was conducted in fine if rather blowy conditions. Our volunteers introduced over 100 people to the falcons and the project.
Much of the time all six peregrines were in view.
For a considerable time all six birds were in view on the cathedral together - something that has very rarely happened in previous years.
Three juveniles were on the ledge above the nest and one was in the nest platform. The male squeezed into a tiny crevice at the top of the louvred window above the nest and the female sat in her 'normal' post fledging perch just below the nest. Apparently earlier in the morning there had been much flying and chasing about.....delighting the folk watching below!
Can you find the three juveniles in this shot by Joyce Sawford?
They're all there.....

Thanks are due to our great team of volunteers for running the show (Joyce and Tony, Andy, Hilary, Jane W and Jane T) ably supported by Marc from DWT.

Only a couple of streets away, the rare white letter hairstreak butterfly was to be seen flying above its favourite elm tree. Well worth having a look for if you are in Derby in the next couple of weeks or so. The elm itself is on King Street (A6 northbound) where it crosses above the inner ring road about 150 yards beyond the Flowerpot pub. Parking is available in the Chapel Street multistorey CP.

The elm looking north as you stand on the bridge over the
Inner ring road. Photo: Ken Orpe.

White letter hairstreak by Colin Bowler

The final Saturday Watch Point is next Saturday 9th July so if you've not been yet, and even if you have, do come along and enjoy watching these magnificent birds before the juveniles begin to disperse.
If you need a coffee or lunch the Cathedral cafe on Irongate will be happy to oblige (try their excellent Bakewell tart!). And if it should be fine and not too windy, do have a look for the hairstreak!

Please note there is NO Watch Point on Wednesday 6th.

The Project Team