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Sunday, 17 January 2016

Snow....but not much

Winter arrives at last!

As you can see from the screen grab below, we had about an inch of snow in Derby this morning (Jan 17th) though it is melting as the day progresses. It shows the male on the far side of the platform looking out towards the East.
Screen grab shows male and snow. Taken by Helen Sara
For more photos of the snowy platform and over 2000 other photos, visit the Derby Peregrines Flickr group here .

Some of you will remember the heavy snowfall that covered the platform in the spring of 2013, just before the female was due to lay her eggs.......
Female on platform 22nd March 2013

Nick B (DWT)

Friday, 15 January 2016

Posing Peregrine

While it is still a month or more before our peregrines start to get into breeding mode, things are quiet at the cathedral.
Both adults were seen on Jurys Inn recently - so it is good to know they are both still around.
There's been no recent news from Rutland Water about our bird 030 (see previous post).
So, instead, here's an intriguing photo of a peregrine posing on a bridge near Glasgow in Scotland, the photo taken in July by a traffic monitoring camera belonging to Traffic Scotland!
They were quite surprised to find this adult bird (which looks like a male to me) posing right in front of their lens.

"Am I in your way?"

Nick B (DWT)